Monday, January 28, 2013

Weaning Webb

You may remember that just this past Saturday, I talked about the process of weaning Webb. It was really no process at all. Just a toddler who was addicted and a mommy who loved her little boy and saw no harm in it/didn't have the willpower to say "no" and mean it. I knew we would wean eventually and so I wasn't worried about it.

I had attempted to limit his nursing to only at bedtime. So often though, that flew out the window. For the most part, we nursed before going to sleep, right when he woke up, and if he got hurt/pitched too big of a fit. Also, he was still a big, night time nurser. Many nights, he would nurse ALLLLLLLLL night long. He gets up on his own every single night and gets into our bed without us knowing. He also pulls my breast out all by himself and nurses. That was my hardest obstacle. I didn't even wake up to tell him, "no boo boos" because I slept so deeply. But, it was rough on my body to lay in the same position for 30 months and have someone suck at me for  4-5 hours straight each night!!!

I guess some of you are wondering how old Webb is and others of you are probably shaking your head in disbelief because you know how old he is and you think it is inappropriate, absurd, or wrong. That is totally fine. I am used to getting looks and opinions from those who don't exactly approve of the way I do things and I have learned to let that roll off my back. I have gained more and more confidence through having people judge me because I know I am truly doing things based on my instincts and on one else's. I don't go with the majority. I choose my own path for raising and I like that. That was my goal as a mother. To be a mom to my children. To listen to my gut. To go with what I know. To research what I wondered about and to form my own opinions  I have to say, not many like that. Perhaps they feel that I judge them for the way they do it (I can assure you, I don't. I know what that feels like.) or perhaps they question their own judgement and choices with their children. Either way, I can sleep at night and I know that I am doing what is best for our family and my children are growing, healthy, thriving, normal boys.

Oh, by the way, I realize I never answered the question. I got lost on a tangent. Forgive me ;-) Webb is 30 months old. That means, 2-1/2 years old.

A few months ago, I even wondered if I had any milk left or if I was just a paci. Surely to goodness I was dried up. I never got engorged anymore (probably because he didn't demand too much quantity and he still nursed fairly often). I checked in the shower one night and was shocked to see that I still had LOTS of milk. Women are amazing, aren't we!

Dane and Webb spent the night with my in-laws this past Friday night. Webb has spent the night one other time I think and it was at least a year ago, if not longer. I didn't know how he'd do because now that he is older, he seems almost more attached and he understands what you are saying. So, for instance, if you say, "mommy isn't here. You have to wait until morning." That could cause a HUGE, massive, meltdown. I was nervous and expected to be getting him in the middle of the night.

Lo and Behold, I woke up Saturday morning curled up in a comfortable position with my boob free! I couldn't believe he had made it. Then I was nervous about how rough their night was. My MIL told me it was easy. During the night when he cried, she would just say, "Remember, mommy is at her house. You will see mommy tomorrow so just snuggle up with me." And he would say, "Oh." When she told me that, I was shocked!!!! Nights are never that easy for me. LOL.

I joked with her and my FIL that I might just not ever give it to him again since he did so well. I was already engorged quite nicely and hurting and I was a bit fearful I might get mastitis since I am so prone to it.

The more the evening went on, the more I realized what a perfect opportunity to wean cold turkey (which is what I did with Dane). He had already been 24 hours without it and I had a big head start. I knew I had missed out on that "last nursing session" if I went ahead with it where I cherish the last time and to be honest, that still makes me feel emotional. I also knew he had to be weaned eventually and no time would be easier than another. Brent was at work, so I wouldn't have to worry about keeping him up with a screaming child all night long. It was looking like the perfect chance.

I started bedtime rituals around 7:30pm. I told Webb that we would not be getting boo boos because the milk was all gone and I had owie's on them (no lie. They were engorged and painful-- definitely lied about the no milk. I had an abundance of milk!!!). He was ok with it at first and I gave him some coconut milk in a sippy. I started out with him on the couch so Dane could go on and go to sleep in his bed. He wasn't having it. He threw the sippy and screamed, "I want boo boos!!!!!" I patiently told him they were all gone and he was a big boy now. He screamed, "I a baby!!!! MOOMMMMMYYYY!!! NOOOOOOO!" It was heartbreaking. I allowed Dane to the couch because I realized this was going to be a looooong bedtime routine. I put on a movie and Webb still cried and occasionally screamed. "I want mommy's milk!! MOMMY!!! PEAS!!! Mommy!!! NO! I want boo boos!!!" Snot, drool, and tears just flowed. He was so so so upset. I felt so torn. I wanted to nurse him so bad and I knew he would pass out immediately, but then I would have to start this whole process over again. I begged God to help him relax and go to sleep. He would quiet down and watch the movie and then start back up. It was heartwrenching. My mom was texting (from the hospital) saying, "you are mean", "just give it to him". I really appreciated her being on my side!!! LOL. Even at 9:30, Dad text me saying mom wanted to know if I had "fed Webb". Thanks for making it sound like I am starving him. LOL.

From 7:45pm-10:45pm, I fought him. We watched one movie and 2 Brady Bunch episodes. He finally fell asleep at 10:45, but when I laid him in his bed, he sat up saying, "No, mommy. Hold me." I was shocked he didn't say "boo boos" because that is usually what he says if he wakes up as I am laying him down. I was absolutely exhausted, so I just decided to pile both boys in my bed and attempt it from a sleeping position.

Once in my bed, Dane was asleep before I got laid down good and Webb played. He did not mention "boo boos" even ONE time. It's like he realized, "Ok. She is serious. I'm not getting them." He jumped, tossed, turned, and sang. I was nervous because my boobs were hurting and HUGE and I didn't want to fall asleep and him land on one of them. I kept saying, "Please lay down, Webb. Mommy is sleepy." Finally, around 11:20pm, he laid down next to me and just went to sleep. I could not believe it. I slept in a sports bra with an ice pack and then a t-shirt. I mainly layered myself so Webb couldn't have easy access, but then also, I was trying to contain my breasts and help with the engorgement. The next morning we had church and I didn't want to be in pain, MASSIVELY huge, or have mastitis.

Webb woke up only once during the night and did not mention the boo boos still. He just talked for a minute and curled back up. I was so happy it went smoothly because I was still practically dead!

The next morning, I text Brent to see if he would bring a head of cabbage home. Cabbage leaves are supposed to help with engorgement and drying up.

I was huge and hurting, but no mastitis.

My arms feel like they won't go down because I am engorged even on the sides under my armpit! If you touch the top of my chest, it is hard as a rock!

Webb usually wants boo boos immediately upon waking and when he woke up Sunday morning, he said, "I want eggs and bacon. I eat all gone."

Here is the cabbage leaves stuffed in my bra!

I was also nervous about nap time. Webb fell asleep on the way home from church. WHOO HOO!!! When he woke up from the nap, I was prepared for a battle.

Once again, no mention of the boo boos.

He just sat in my lap and snuggled while Brent heated up spaghetti for him.

I've always wanted for him to just sit in my lap. He never has though. If he was in my lap, then he was shouting for boo boos.

At bedtime last night, I started the process at 7pm to hopefully ensure we wouldn't be up till 11pm again! He played in the bed and talked (I lay with them because we don't "cry it out") and FINALLY, at 7:50pm, he laid down next to me and went to sleep. I came in the living room at 8am beaming. I could NOT believe it was this easy. Sure, it was a horrible, agonizing three hours of crying, but he was over it. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!

He even still loves me and is happy :-)

He loves Rose. Drinking coconut milk and happy as ever.

As for Dane, he woke up coughing yesterday. You all know coughing (or any sickness for that matter) doesn't bother me and he had no fever and felt fine. I gave him some ALJ to help with the cough (BEST STUFF EVER!!!).

He was so excited about church and seeing Mrs. Paulette. He asks me every single day if we are going to church. I am thankful to be a part of a church that offers tons for my kids to keep them interested and desiring to be there!!!

I didn't even question whether or not to go to church. I honestly tend to forget how other parents are terrified of coughing, snot, sneezes, AKA- GERMS!!!!! I am not one of those moms and I need to be more mindful that I am in the minority there. I got some looks when Dane was coughing yesterday and I felt really bad!!!!

So, if you go to our church and are reading this now, accept this at my apology and know that I only keep my kids away from other kids if they have a fever (and some parents don't care if my kids are around with a fever, but I know who those parents are). 

Dane went to sleep last night at 7pm, which led me to believe he didn't feel so hot. He coughed during the night.

When we got up this morning, he had a slight fever, was coughing, sneezing, snotty, and said his head hurt. 

Oh great!

Now the parents at church will love me even more! LOL.

I gave him some more ALJ (stupid me only gave one dose yesterday and didn't "treat" him because I wasn't worried at all) and then made some cough medicine (which Dane HATES!!!!!!!)

1/4 teas cayenne pepper (we are out and Brent is picking up more after his meeting this morning)
1/4 teas ground ginger
1 Tbsp Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Water
1 Tbsp honey

It was like pulling teeth to get him to take it. I will make him take this at least one more time today, hopefully I can encourage 2 more times. Especially once the cayenne pepper makes it's way here.

Already, he has coughed maybe 2x time since 7:30am (it is 9am) and first thing this morning, he was hacking nonstop!! His fever is gone and he is asking for food. I love my homeopathic/home remedies!!!!!!

I do believe it is time for me to get my butt in gear. I haven't even made breakfast yet and we generally eat around 7am. 

Oh, by the way, I feel like my engorgement has gone down today. I will use cabbage leaves, heat, and ice off and on today and let you know if I develop any infections, which I am not expecting to.

Have a wonderful week!


  1. You go girl! Did the cabbage help? You mentioned how amazed you were that you still had so much! Cooper just turned 3 and has been weened for a long time. I don't have massive amounts, but I STILL produce from time to time! It's crazy what our bodies are capable of!
    - Kati Rosi

    1. I don't know that it helped because I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't done it?!?! I haven't done it today and I just now checked how they look. Still extremely engorged. I am about to workout and then pack my bra full of cabbage again! I really cannot get mastitis... I have a mom due any day. Yes, women and their bodies are amazing :-)

  2. Yay for no mastitis! And yay for ALJ! I love that stuff ;) When I was trying to dry up after having Dallas, I wrapped myself in an Ace bandage tightly (I would still use cabbage leaves though) and never let warm/hot water touch my chest. Keep yourself clean, because mastitis is caused from bacteria that enters through the nipple and infects the milk ducts. Good luck, praying for you to not be so engorged!

    1. Yippee!! Still none today either :-) I am nervous to wrap myself tightly in anything. I am in some major pain and extremely engorged. I may try it though if the swelling doesn't go down in a few days. LOL. Thank you for the prayers!

  3. My OB doctor at the time said if nothing (milk) is coming out, don't wrap! It's when the milk is released from the body that it thinks it needs to keep doing the same thing. I'm so proud of Webb!
