Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wild and Crazy Kids

Yesterday, Brent was off work and we had a busy day planned.

We ended up on the West end of town because Brent had to have a skin test done for school. I was wanting to shop in one of the little stores, but it had closed early, so the boys and I walked around and I was able to check out some things and places I've been wanting to call. We found a music lesson place and I really want Dane to start something. The only thing they start at 5 is violin lessons. I think that sounds great. He wants to do electric guitar or drums though ;-)

We walked around to this Karate studio. Dane has always wanted to take lessons. I thought that seemed like the perfect gift for his 5th birthday. It is 3 days a week though for an hour each class. That's a lot! I still think that would be so great for Dane for many reasons. They let us stay and they worked with Dane a bit to see how he would do. They don't start kids until they are 5 and he isn't 5 until the fifth of June. They said he needed a little more time. He was nervous and didn't exactly know what they were asking him to do (kicks, stances, repeat what is said, etc.) and there was another little boy in there kicking a dummy and he was fascinated with that. When we left, he wanted to know when we would go back. I told him he has to learn to obey what is asked immediately, he can't wait even a second to follow the instruction. I'm hoping we can find a YouTube video to start practicing some things because everything was so foreign to him. The whole way home he talked about the kicks he did and the way he stood. It was so cute!

Last night was the first night I have ever not laid with the boys. I don't feel quite so guilty knowing they are together and not alone. They can comfort each other or even lay in there and talk. They actually did awesome. They only whined/cried for about 5 minutes, if that, and then they passed out. Some nights, I would lay in there for 2+ hours. I love them and I cherish those times, but mommy needs some time to herself or to get things done when daddy is working or I need some time with daddy. My boys are my world, but they are not my partner. They are not my husband and I didn't promise my life to them, I promised it to their father. One day, they will grow up and Brent and I need to have nurtured and maintained our relationship so when that day comes, we are stronger than ever. The best thing we can do for them, is to love each other and to work on our marriage and carve out time for one another. That gives them security more than anything and they deserve that more than they deserve mommy laying with them for hours on end at night.

Each night when the boys are sleeping, I go in to look at them. It never fails, I tear up every night. I can't believe they are mine and I am always overwhelmed with love when they are laying there curled up together, breathing deeply, and looking so peaceful.

It's hard for me to remember that they aren't always so perfect when they are awake ;-)

They are full of never-ending energy. They bicker. They wrestle. They are rough. The trouble they seem to find each day is amazing.

They require a source of energy I never realized I had inside me.

Some days, I feel like all I say is, "Be nice. " "Don't do that." "You know better than to swing from that!" "You can cut your arm off with that, give me that!" "I don't care what your brother tells you to do, if you can get killed doing it, don't do it." "OH NO! Where are all the other permanent markers and what else have you drawn on?" "Where did you find that?" "How did you climb up there?" "What is all that liquid and why does it smell like car oil?" "What am I stepping in?"

In the midst of all of that though, they make me laugh and bring me so much joy! They both make me want a houseful of children because these 2 add so much fulfillment and love to my life! I can't imagine what 1, 2, or even 3 more would add.

So grateful for my wild and crazy kids and some days, I'm even more grateful for bedtime than others ;-)

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