Friday, July 1, 2011

Well, hello there!

Ok, here it goes. I am finally starting a blog after much encouragement to do so. I honestly feel like most people are not going to be interested in my "journal", but hopefully the handful that wants me to blog will enjoy this :D I will use this to talk about things going on in my life and things I am passionate about. So, what are some things I'm passionate about? I'm so glad you asked. This way you can see if this will be a blog of interest or one you can go ahead and not waste your time reading ;)  I believe there is a God. I believe He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for me and for you. I believe there is a Heaven and a hell. I believe what the Bible says. I LOVE working out. I love eating healthy. I love being a wife and I love my husband. I love being a mom and I love my children. I love pregnancy (just not being pregnant), labor, and birth. I am an advocate for natural home births. I am against vaccinations. I am against most medications- I believe there is a time and a place, such as in an emergency situation. I believe a baby needs to be breastfed. I do not believe children need to cry it out. I see nothing wrong with your newborn baby sleeping with you for the first few years. I'm sure with that introduction alone, I will be losing a few of you. OR... you will be staying to prove your assumption that I am a nut. Haha. First things first, this is a tool I plan to use to express myself, my thoughts, my opinions, my beliefs, my hopes, my dreams, my fears, my uncertainties, etc. In no way, shape, or form, will I ever claim what I say to be factual (unless I can prove what I say has facts) or do I aim to "bash" or judge what other people chose to do. Most decisions I make as a mother and as a person go against the flow and I am used to that. Even thought I may not agree with what other people do does not mean I judge them or want to make them feel bad for their choices. Having said that, I hope I can be candidly open about my life and the decisions I make. I hope to answer questions to why I do what I do and I also hope I can perhaps help some mother or soon to be mother struggling with what is best for her and her child. I will also incorporate my faith in my blog and my "healthy" lifestyle or what I see as healthy. Hope to hear feedback and I hope you enjoy this journal. 

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