Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God... You've Been So Good To Me

Whew. It's been awhile. Things have been crazy here! I've been focusing on school like a mad woman and my nieces came into town for 2 weeks. They left this past Saturday so life is getting back to normal.
Let's start with all the new. Webb is officially saying, "Momma" and it melts my heart to no end. He is standing on his own for longer and longer periods at a time. He has found the holes to his nose and likes to keep a finger (or both) poked up there. He has also found his tongue and pokes it out at us on command. He has conquered the stairs and we must keep a CONSTANT eye on him now. He will be walking in no time at all. While I feel he is way ahead for his age, I have to remind myself that in a month we will be celebrating his 1st birthday! So, he is really right on track.
Dane is getting way too big as well. He is talking so good and telling us loooong stories that are so cute. I often wonder if every mother thinks their kids are as cute as I find mine. He remembers everything, every little tiny detail. He definitely does not get that from me. I tease him and say he is like his Nana because she amazes me with what she can remember. He has this mean face that he delivers quite often to practically everyone. While I find the face adorable (big surprise) I also find it embarrassing when out in public, little old ladies stop to talk to him and he turns to them and puts on "the face". It is a MEAN one too. Lips puckered, eyes narrowed, and you can just tell you better proceed with caution. We call it his "Soap Sally" look.... long story. LOL. He is such a good helper with Webb too and I am so thankful for both my boys. They both had a blast with my nieces here.
My nieces: Lilian, 8 yrs old and Livia 5 yrs old. Can I just say, "Wow"! I am so proud to call them mine. They are sweet, obedient, and respectful. I wish they lived closer than Texas. While the girls were here, God was at work. As most of you know, they were raised Jehovah's Witness, which we all know is false teaching. We have prayed for the kids (there is also Tregan who is 2 yrs old- and we pray for Kari and her family) since they were born that God's Holy Spirit would speak to them and convict them. My specific prayer is that they will see something different in my life and want what that something is. My mother-in-law's church down in Cartersville was hosting VBS for one of the weeks that they were here. I had planned to take my boys, I just didn't know how many nights since their cousins were in town and it is an hour drive one way. Ok, so long story short. Lilian (the oldest) will not step foot in a church without a huge fight (long story again). We went to the Library for story time and the girls asked for Panda books. I agreed to find them and then told them how I was taking Dane to Pandamania (talking about how God is "wild about you" and panda's were everywhere!) at his Nana's church the next week.  How BIG is my God???? This big! Both girls freaked out begging to go. They both LOVE panda's and I had no idea. I explained how it was at a church but neither girl cared. You call that a coincidence? I call that God. I was shocked but agreed to take  them Tuesday night. After TONS of begging and pleading on their part, I agreed to take them Monday. I was nervous but both girls had a blast at VBS. What an awesome opportunity. On the way home, they talked my ears off telling me what they had learned- which they said was, "Jesus, God, praying, and doing bad things (sin)". They told me we had to go the next night. I cried the whole way home. I was absolutely on cloud 9. Anyways, God worked in mighty ways. I ended up taking the girls each and every night since they would have it no other way. Incredible seeds were planted. On the way home Wednesday night, Lilian told me she wanted a Bible. I did not know what to say so I said, "Why don't you ask Granddaddy". Granddaddy agreed and took her the next day to get a Bible and Bible case. She also picked one out for Livi. She was so excited to get one and proudly showed it off to everyone . Thursday, before we went to the "Bible Store", as she called it, Lilian and I had a looooong talk. She is pretty much a little girl searching for answers. Can you imagine being 8 years old and wondering what is going to happen to you when you die and no one being able to tell you??!! How scary. I was given the opportunity to witness to her that day. She asked questions and I answered them as best as I could. She was very very curious and interested. She told me things she had been taught and then asked what I believed. The Holy Spirit is definitely working on this child. Please please pray with me for these lost souls. I cannot imagine Heaven without their beautiful faces. Romans 10:13 says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." My prayer is that she takes that Bible home, reads it, and eventually admits she is a sinner, believes that Jesus is God's Son, and confesses her sin and asks Jesus to live in her heart. I truly believe God is going to save her, Livia, Tregan, Kari, and Kari's family.
God has definitely been at work. He is continuing to work in my heart and my husband's heart. He is strengthening our marriage and putting a deeper and stronger desire in us, to be more like Him. Last night, Brent came to bed with lots on his mind. We are both in awe of what the Lord is doing and we are so excited to see where He takes us. We have decided that we both want to dig deeper into His Word and learn more about who Jesus is, what He wants from us, and how to be more like Him. I am so excited to be on this journey with Brent. He is my soul-mate. I know God created us for each other. As we begin to search through His Holy Word for answers, I can't wait to see what we find.
Brent and I traveled down memory lane Saturday night on our way to his parent's house. Boy was that fun ;) If you had told us that this would be our life 3-1/2 years ago, we both would have laughed right in your face (probably anyone who knew us would have too). It's hard to believe we are the same people. But really and truly, we are not the same people. In 3-1/2 years, God has worked miracles in both of us. He has changed us from the inside out. It leaves me with only one thought this Tuesday morning, God... You've been so good to me!

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