Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What a few days

Life has been happening at a crazy fast pace these days... which in all honestly, is the way I prefer things. I like to be busy and have lots on the agenda to do. My husband, not so much. So, it can be interesting in our house at times.
Let's back up 4 days and go to Saturday. It was a wonderful day but, also a bittersweet day. We celebrated Dane's 3rd birthday at the Creative Discovery Museum. A GREAT place to have a birthday if you are wondering :D The party is all inclusive and all you have to do is show up. It is the first time we have thrown a party like that. Usually, I plan for months and weeks. The morning started off as normal as every morning. I needed to shower and so I threw Webb in there with me. I reached down to bathe him and my heart literally went in to an irregular pattern, I felt like I needed to throw up, and even in the shower, I started sweating. There, on my precious baby's left leg, was bruise. All I could think was, "NOOOOOOOO. Please Lord. NOO!" I really had a minute there (really on a few seconds). Then, as quickly as I freaked out, I also calmed down. Wait a minute. Webb is not 3 weeks old anymore. Webb is 10months old. Webb is mobile. Webb gets hurt everyday. It's only natural for Webb to have a bruise when he is pulling up on things and falling down. For a minute there, my whole world stopped. I had not seen a bruise on Webb in 9 months, one week and one day. Even in the midst of my fear (that really only lasted about 15 sec) in my heart I knew if this was the path God wanted us to travel, then we would be traveling it... again. God has taught me so much through this trial with Webb. I love my Webb but I know the Lord loves him more. For those of you that don't know, Webb has Neonatal Hepatitis. It is something he should outgrow and I believe with all my heart he will.
So, Saturday was a Superhero birthday party!!! It was a day all about Dane. Fun stuff! Even thought Dane's birthday was June 5, we had to wait until July 2 to have the party because life was just so busy. On Saturday, it really hit me that my baby was THREE!!!!! It is such a bittersweet feeling as a parent. You are so happy that they have hit all their milestones, are growing, and thriving yet, you wish you could go back (I do anyways) or at least, freeze the hands of time. The party was a hit and such a fun time. It's only natural to throw him a Super Hero party. He loves any and all Super Hero's and he just happens to be mine. Yep. Dane is my Super Hero. When I got pregnant with Dane, I was living in sin. I was down the wrong path and headed down worse paths. I believe with all my heart, that God sent Dane to me to get my attention. He could have sent anything and He knew what it would take to get my attention. Sweet, precious, 7lbs 3oz Dane took my breath away and caused me to turn my whole life around. He was perfect!!!! He deserved only the best. After Dane was born, the Lord convicted me of the sin in my life (which was a lot). I knew I had to get my life right and get right with the Lord. I am so thankful for Dane, for so many reasons, but on the top of that list is the fact that he is my Super Hero.
There is so much more that has happened since my last post, but I have got to get my hubby's breakfast cooked, get him off to work, and me off to the gym.

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