Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One Week and Counting

Whoo-hoo!!! I am in my last week of summer school!!!! 4 weeks are under my belt and this last week will be too before I know it. It has been a grueling/rough/long/exhausting/stressful summer course for me. For some strange reason, I started my blog about the same time. I'm hoping to do a better job of posting once I'm done with school. I'm also hoping to play more with my boys, lay out by the pool, plan more playdates, plan lunch dates with my girl friends, and sleep in past 5am!

Yesterday, we had a playdate planned at the local park. We met the Kaden and Libby Hackett and Gunnar Cornwell (and their mommies) to play in the refreshing heat (sarcasm). It was so much fun chatting with mommies and letting our boys get their energy out- Libby is still too little to play. I went to middle school and  high school with both mom's. How cool is it that we all have kids the same age?? I just love it. Holding our babies and talking about mommy/wife stuff all the while totally enjoying ourselves. We all left sweaty, stinky, and ready to nap! 

I overslept this morning (can't imagine why???!!!) and then decided to not skip the gym. I can really only focus on school when the boys are napping and they would be up soon anyways. I needed the workout (spin. UGH!) to get myself going. I needed it for me. I needed it because I crave working out almost in the same way I crave my mother-in-laws Coca Cola cake-- which, by the way if you are reading this Conne, my birthday is at the end of the month and nothing would make your daughter-in-law more happy ;) So, off the gym I went with my 2 little angels in tow. I spun with everything in me. It was a great workout and I'm so glad I went. As I was leaving, my BFF, Angie,text to see what I was up to. We made spur of the moment lunch plans and met at Panera. She doesn't have any kids although she is from a family of 8 (and it was her family who made me want a BIG one!!), I am always antsy when we meet up with my boys. She handles it so great and both my boys love her to death. Webb was climbing all over the table, screaming (his happy scream) at the top of his lungs, and throwing every. single. thing. I gave him in the floor. Dane was bouncing up and down on the booth, playing TalkingTom on my iPhone which he thinks he has to scream in to, and then took a piece of his cookie and hurled it over the booth and hit the people behind us! I can just see Angie's mind rolling, "Oh my word! My kids will NEVER hang out with her kids!". LOL. While eating I found out she and some other girls I grew up with are running in a half marathon this Fall. Ooooooh. I have always wanted to do a half marathon, or full, just not by myself. I pretty much invited myself and got the details from her so I could talk to Brent about it later. My biggest problem will be the training part of it. With 2 small boys I don't know when I'll do it but I'll figure all that out. It was so much fun and I always leave refreshed after being with her. We have been friends since the 6th grade and she is the type of person I can trust with anything. No matter how much time passes between our chats and hanging out, we pick right up where we left off. She is truly my best friend.

I called Brent when I left and got the "Ok" to do the half marathon. It is my birthday present this year. I'm pretty pumped! Now for the training part..... EEEEKKKK!

Well, I'm holding a sweet "little" 30 lb boy who will NOT nap so I can do school. His big brother is sure to be waking up from his nap at any minute, so I'm off to attempt the impossible again :D

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're joining the half marathon team! I will be cheering y'all on this year :)Glad you'll be back to posting and I'll be praying for you this LAST week of summer school!!
