Friday, November 16, 2012

Confession of an Emotional Woman

Here we are.

We can officially see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Somehow, I think that makes things more stressful.

Originally, we were planning to be moved in the house shortly after the counter installation on the 19th. Well, the counter lady called and said they had not previously set up a time and needed to do so. My husband told her that yes, she had in fact already called and scheduled an appointment, but she was adamant that she had not. So, we are now scheduled to get counters in a week from original date, on the 26th. I was bummed when I heard that because everything has to be out of storage by the 24th (and then I remembered how the Lord never makes a mistake and there MUST be a reason for this.) . We are still aiming to have everything out by then, we will just still sleep at my in-law's house and then be able to go and work at the house (getting it all organized and whatnot) after that.

I have to admit, I have allowed this renovation to get to me. I often stop what I am doing and pray out loud, "Lord, thank you for a home. Thank you for the opportunity to even do this. Thank you for providing the way You see fit. Thank you that everything is falling into place in Your timing."

It is so easy to get caught up in it all.

First of all, we have not had an "off day" in almost 2-1/2 months. I'd say that attributes to a lot of the stress. Everyday, we wake up, I make breakfast, then I pack a lunch, and then I prep dinner. After working at the house 6-8 +/-  hours, I come home (nasty with unbelievably tired children) cook for us all, clean up for us all, do any laundry that needs to be done, herd the children to the bath, fight them to bed (because they are the ones suffering the most. On top of living with grandparents and having absolutely no schedule, they get no naps and on average, they are getting in the bed 2 hours past bedtime each night). While at the house working, you add a 4 year old and 2 year old who just want to play and be silly to the mix of parents who just want to work and be FINISHED and to not have to retrace steps because someone brushed by a freshly painted wall and smeared paint or someone stepped in paint and trotted it alllllllllllll through the house or someone needs their butt wiped. We are on edge. Ok.....

I am on edge.

I am grumpy.

I am mean.

I am hormonal.

I admit it all.

I had a break down Tuesday night around 7:30pm. In a perfect world (before we were living between 2 houses and on no schedule) we eat dinner at 5pm. I like an early meal, cleanup goes smoothly, we can play with the kids, bath time is not nearly as stressful and at bedtime, we have time for books and being a little bit silly. On this particular night, Brent was playing playstation (to unwind I suppose), Webb was crying, Dane had just fallen asleep on the couch, I was attempting a new recipe that WAS NOT working, and I was making a birthday cake for Brent. I woke up Dane because he had to eat and bathe and he started screaming crying. About that time, my soup spilled over. I literally sat in the floor and cried. I was so tired. I was so spent. I just wanted a day off. A night off. A teeny tiny bit of quiet for even 10 minutes.

We have this goal in mind for getting in the house. We don't want to pay on storage, we want some normalcy and schedules back for our children (and for us even!), the holidays are approaching and we want to be in our home doing our traditions, my husband is officially off of these orientation rides after the 21st. After that, it is game time. He will start working. Another part-timer at Bartow told Brent that last week he worked 125 hours. That will be great for us (to try and get back to where we were were and to catch up AND to buy Christmas presents) and Brent is total game for working lots and lots of hours (That is what a year of unemployment will do to you... especially combined with a passion for what you are doing). So, we know to expect him to be gone A LOT. That is the main reason we are working so fervently. We HAVE to keep going. We cannot stop. We have a goal in mind. If we don't meet that goal, who knows how long it will take because Brent will be unable to go.

Yesterday morning, Brent took Dane on a father/son outing. You can just tell when he needs that time.  Because of that, I decided to take the morning easy. Webb and I made cookies, played, read books. It was so great to be MOM again and to not feel an urgency to get to the house and to work nonstop. It was just what we all needed. We made it to the house after lunch and knew we wanted to stay till about 6pm-7pm.

I am impressed with everything we have gotten done.

After Brent hung all the baseboards, shoe molding, and doors, I went behind him and spackled the holes and then sanded them down.

See my excitement!?!

Then, I got to tape all the walls again for painting the baseboards again and painting the trim around the doors. This pic was taken before I taped all the floor too.

The doors were taken down and placed on saw horses (on top of cardboard boxes) in the living room. They each get 2 coats. The baseboards get one more coat (they were already painted before they got nailed up) and the trim around the doors get 2 coats.

Our bedroom is completed other than our bedroom door getting painted.

The office is complete other than the closet door and door getting painted. The hallway baseboards are painted. Today, I will paint all the doors I can, the boys baseboards (their door trim is finished) a hallway door and trim, the boys bathroom baseboards, and maybe move into the living room.

I thought about taking a day off since Brent is working 7am-7pm today, but I decided to just take it easy this morning with the kids and then head over around lunch. I will put no pressure on myself and what I get done, YAY me! And what I don't, Oh well. Every little bit will help though.

My parents are kind enough to offer to come tomorrow. Mom said they will bring a crock pot full of chili and will help anyway they can. Even if that means taking the kids away for the day.

That means so much to me! I feel horrible for my kids. That is another reason I want to finish. I want to go back to being mommy. Carefree, let's play and be silly all day, Mommy instead of this stressed, mean worker woman!

Next week is a crazy busy week of holidays and stretching ourselves thin all in the name of family ;-) We will work at the house every opportunity we can, Wednesday, Brent rides the ambulance 7-7 again and I go to Ringgold to clean 3 houses (I would generally clean on Friday of that week, but that is Black Friday and everyone asked me to come on Wednesday so the house would be clean for the holidays). I am not complaining about cleaning either. I would generally only clean 2 houses, but the I seriously prayed a prayer for a need (financially) and then got on FB and had someone else ask me to clean. I LOVE how God works! When I get back into town late Wednesday night, it's off to Brent's Nanny's for Thanksgiving. Thursday, I will help m MIL prepare Thanksgiving here and we will have it. Friday, it's back to Ringgold for Thanksgiving and Christmas with my grandparents (they celebrate Christmas in SC, so this way, the kids get their presents with them there). Saturday, it will be back to work.

As for me, I went to bed praying for forgiveness and asking for grace, yet again. I am thankful for an unchanging God who tells me to cast my cares on Him because HE cares for ME. I am also grateful that He doesn't give up on me and that He hears me when I call.

Can I ask you to please pray for me as well? The renovation/ holiday season is taking it's toll on me. I need the Lord's help, His patience, His kindness, His quick to listen and slow to speak demeanor, His gentle reminders that it will all get completed in time and to not let stress take away my joy? I am sincerely asking. I do not like this person I have allowed stress to make me!

Thank you and thank you for letting me ramble. I already feel better :-)

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