Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray!

Today started out like any other day.

I got up around 6am and lifted some weights, took a shower, and did my Bible study. When my husband woke up, I cooked all of us breakfast- eggs and toast with honey.

After breakfast, Brent headed to the house to meet the man who was going to start laying our hardwood today and I loaded up library book and movies to take back while we were at story time.

After the library, the boys and I went into Publix to grab the rest of our groceries. While I was in there shopping, I got a phone call.

Brent said, "Hey! I got it! I got the job at Bartow! Whoo hoo!"

I could have dropped right where I was in the store in tears. I felt my heart soar in a way it hasn't in almost a year. My husband had felt confident after his interview, Thursday, that he would be hired. They told him he would hear in a couple of weeks. I believed the position was his too, yet I continued to pray for the Lord's will. I felt complete peace.

It feels so good to be able to say-----This unemployment period is OVER!!!!!!

It has been a rough year (he lost his job November 16, 2011-- remember this post), but the Lord has used it to better me, to teach me, and to draw me to Him.

If you remember, back in August, I posted this blog post. It was very humbling to admit our struggles to the world, but I wanted to be honest in our circumstances and our decisions. The Lord worked on me after that post, literally overnight. The next day, I posted this blog. God had me convinced that this move was His will. We were stepping out with blind faith though. Although the house was enough to make us move, my husband was still unemployed with no idea where to apply or when there would be openings. That is scary to make a commitment to buy a house and still have no job. We had no idea what the future held job wise, but we trusted the Lord completely that His will was for us to move. Through this entire process, the Lord has given me peace, hope, and joy. Never once have I questioned our decision and the fact that it was the LORD who told us to move.

From the start of Brent's EMT schooling he has told me to not be surprised if he applied at Bartow. It was where he wanted to work more than any place out there. He said the commute from LaFayette (1 hour one way) would be worth it to get to work there. How great that the station is literally less than 2 miles away from our new home?! We had been told it is rare for Bartow county to interview and hire. How awesome is GOD's timing? He allowed us to get moved, most of our house completed, and then lo and behold (9 EMT's got fired at Bartow), interviews took place and Brent got the call. It is truly only a GOD thing!

God already knew. His plans far exceeded our plans. His ways were so much better than our ways. His desires for us far surpassed what we hoped for ourselves. He just asked us to listen and then most importantly, to obey.

How can you doubt God and His goodness? He is so real. I am so thankful I serve such a real GOD!  A God who speaks to me. A God who cares for me. A God who looks out for me and provides for me. If you don't know my God, ask me how you can!

Brent went and took his drug test right when he got off the phone. Now we wait to see when he starts. I am so excited for my husband. I am so proud of him! YAY!!!!

Thank you for the prayers for Brent. We also anticipate great news from Hamilton this week.

Oh, as for the house... here is a sneak peak of our floors that are being laid!

My dream floors! I cannot believe this is our house! Isn't God good?!?!?!

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