Saturday, January 5, 2013

Want To Be A Part Of God Working?

I heard a sermon on the way home from Ringgold last night that was talking about prayer. AWESOME sermon by the way.

The gist of it was: when you pray, you are not playing a game where you might change God's mind and you might now depending on how well you do. Nope. The decision is already made in His mind. His plan will happen just like He wants it to. BUT... when you pray, you give God the opportunity to prove Himself, His magnificence, His omnipotence  and His righteous to you. You get to be a part of it. You get to see His hand. You get to see His power. You get to see His glory.

And what happens after that--- You PRAISE God. You give Him glory. You tell others how great and mighty and wonderful He is.

Those that don't pray... or those that don't pray to a Sovereign, Almighty, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the One and Only, TRUE God don't necessarily have bad things happen to them or never experience good. No, God is still gracious and He provides, they just miss out on being a part of God's work.

We have seen God at work A LOT here lately. Especially back in August. We were on our knees begging God for direction, so when that door opened up, the only "person" we were praising was God Himself. We were thanking and praising Him for answering our prayer and opening up a door and also shutting another door. We watched God provide through the year of unemployment, through school, moving, finding a church, finding a home, Brent getting hired (not one, but two places), Brent going back to school, and much more with much more that we are praying for that we hope to see answered within a few days or weeks.

Now, we find ourselves in yet another pickle.

I'll back up.

We took a Dave Ramsey class in 2010 at our church and we were working to Live Like No One Else, So Later, We Could Live Like No One Else. We had checked many things off our list to do that. We were working on saving 6 months of expenses in case something terrible happened. Something like your husband losing his job he has been with for 10 years, just 2 days after he turned 30.

Oh wait, that happened, didn't it?

That nice savings account we had built up.... s...l...o...w...l...y... diminished. Which was part of the reason we hit our knees begging God, "What now???" back in August. God was so good though. He allowed us to live for a year with our savings and the exact month He told us to move, was the exact month Brent finished school and we had nothing "holding" us there.

After we moved here, He continued to provide for us, many times with us not knowing how He did it! The day we were moving into our house, I felt my transmission in my van slip. I tried not to worry about it, but it started doing it more and more. Eventually, we realized we were going to HAVE to get it fixed. We aren't exactly in the position to pay $3,500-$4,500 (quotes we received) to have it fixed so we parked it while we decided to start praying about what God wants us to do. My mother-in-law was super kind and said I could drive her car, she calls it the Pimp Mobile and we have affectionately begun calling it that as well, why we are in limbo about what to do.

You know you are jealous!

I am so grateful to have a vehicle to drive!!!! Praise the Lord that He already had this one figured out too and that my MIL was kind enough to loan us her car during this time. My FIL still cannot drive after his accident, so my MIL is driving his truck.

Now, here we are.... I'm sure my MIL would love to have her car back in the year 2013 ;-) We are absolutely not willing to get a car payment right now... it goes against our belief and it would not be smart since Brent starts back to school for 18mnts next week. His hours will be cut down and we don't want to feel pressure. SO our options are pretty much-- selling my van and buying something with that money or saving to have the transmission worked on. 

-Side note: my van is worth just a little bit more than getting the transmission worked on.

All of that very long story to ask you if you would please pray with us that God's will will be evident to us. I believe if it's important to me, it's important to God and this is pretty important to me! I am giving YOU the chance to be a part of GOD working!!! See, when I post the answered prayer, you will be excited because you will have invested time in praying for this! :-)

I really do appreciate it!!! Thank you :-)

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