Saturday, October 15, 2011

I did it!

Today, I accomplished something on my Bucket List. I ran a Half Marathon! WHOO HOO!!! I am proud of myself. I have always wanted to do it and I am proud to say I did Not only did I run it I smoked my goal time. I had a time in my mind of 2 hours 20 minutes. I knew I needed a "goal" when I started training. As I trained, I decided to go beyond a goal. I decided I wanted to "beat" my goal. I am happy to say.... I DID! I ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours 6 minutes. Whew! It was a tough run, but a beautiful one. We ran through Downtown Dalton and I thoroughly enjoyed the scenery. You talk about some GORGEOUS houses!!! The race was very hilly. Miles 9-12 were extremely hilly (straight up the side of a mountain... or at least it felt that way!) That was when I felt my weakest. I wanted to stop so bad. I was jogging at such an incredibly slow pace, but I refused to stop. I knew I could keep running and I wanted to prove to myself I could. Along the way, we had some very kind people. They handed out water and fruit and yelled, "Come on!! Keep going!! You can do this!!" It's amazing what words like that can do for you when you really think you can go no further. One young boy (maybe 8 years old) cracked me up. We were headed towards mile marker 9 and he was holding out waters to the runners and saying encouraging things. He said to me, "You are not first place, but you are doing so good!" Awwww. That is sweet. LOL. I grabbed 1/2 a banana around mile 3 and ate it as I ran and I'd grab cups of water here and there too. Trying to drink and continue running are NOT easy. I would get a few sips in my mouth before it was gone. The banana and water made me feel like I needed to puke. I don't know if it was a good idea or not to grab those as I ran. As I ran up the side of the mountain towards mile marker 11, I was wishing to stop and throw it all up.... of course, I wasn't about to stop! As I came to mile 12, I really and truly was so tired. I had pushed myself as hard as I could in order to be the best I could be. I didn't want to do this halfheartedly... I wanted to give it my all. To know I had done everything in my power to beat my goal time. I don't think I could have run a second faster or another step by the time I crossed the Finish Line. I was BEAT! I grabbed 2 apples and a water and headed towards my car to call Brent (I told him not to come because I had no idea how long it would take me and I didn't want him trying to entertain the boys for 2+ hours). After I called him, I ate a banana and a bagel and waited around for Suzanne (a great friend of mine!). When I got to the car to head home, I drank my protein shake and finally began to feel some strength come back. My knees are sore and my butt is sore, but I feel great. I see more half marathons in my future and I'd love to do a full marathon one day too!

Me and Suzanne after our race!

In other news, Buddy was found in an interesting place this morning...

I guess he knows we spend a lot of time in the fridge!

Speaking of Buddy and Santa... I am so torn over what Santa should bring. Dane saw this awhile back and LOVED it. He is for sure getting this.

I mean, seriously??!! How perfect is this. Every time we are in the store and he sees this, we HAVE to stop and let him play with it... even though all the pieces are bolted down with screws. I can see him playing with this daily and definitely us definitely getting our moneys worth. BUT.... (I'm worse than the kids!!!) I saw this.

Doesn't every little boy need something like this??! Oh my soul!!!! I WANT this for them!! I can just see them playing in this little town and having so much fun!!! I have no idea if this will fit in our house. So... I'm being good and waiting until we move in to decide.

I forgot to mention on here that Webb fell last weekend and busted his eye open.

I'm so different this time around. When Dane fell and busted his chin open (it required glue) I was so heartbroken and cried when they held him down. This time, not so much. Doesn't that make me sound mean? LOL. I just figure, they are boys. They are going to get hurt and there is nothing I can do about it. Plus, I figure each injury.. the get a little tougher. LOL. I watched him fall right on the coffee table corner. I barely batted an eyelash. I told Brent and we cleaned it up. He did cry hard and of course... he passed out. Once I started nursing him he quit crying (another wonderful reason to nurse. It calms them anything something traumatic happens) We debated and debated going to the ER. We don't have insurance and I knew it would be expensive. In the end, we did go. On the way there, I noticed my right breast was tender. I have NEVER had mastitis in my right breast in all the 50+ times I've had it, so I didn't think too much about it. When Brent turned into the parking lot, I said, "Man.... I'm so sore from kickboxing. My back is aching as you turned the car". That should have been my first clue right there. I was aching all over, but I just assumed it was from working out really really hard that morning. By the time they came to glue him up, I knew I had it. I was freezing and so weak. My right breast was throbbing. DANG IT!!!! I hate having mastitis. Webb did so good at the ER. The only time he cried was when they held him down. And yes! He passed out. Just like I told the nurse and Dr. he would. LOL. They didn't believe me, but he showed them. We took him to Children's (the only hospital I would ever take my boys to).  They are sooooo good there! We got there around 7:15pm and we were pulling out and headed home at 8:45pm. I was so sick and just wanted to go to bed. I came home and took my temp (101.6) and we all went straight to bed. I battled this episode of mastitis until Monday. UGH!!!!! It truly sucks.

Well, I'm off to get ready for dinner. Mexican sure sounds good!!!

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