Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sadness and Fun

Weird title... I know.

The sadness is from a death that happened this past Saturday down at West Georgia. A young man, 20 years old, was killed in a motorcycle accident. A drunk, 23-year-old, teacher hit him. I never had the privilege of meeting Matt Dyas. I did meet his mom and younger sister. They were friends for the people I worked for. I loved his mom and sister, Cathy and Mary Cat. They were so much fun and upbeat. One thing I remember clearly is there love of Matt, especially Mary Cat. You could just tell she LOVED her big brother more than anything in the world. She really looked up to him. He loved her too. His mom was so proud of the man he had turned out to be. He and his mom were very close. She was always bragging about him on her Facebook. He played golf for the University of West Georgia. He wasn't just good, he was great. He had already accomplished one of his huge goals of winning this big individual tournament (I think I have that correct). At the beginning of September, Cathy, his mom, had posted a picture of his new motorcycle he had bought. He had saved up and paid cash for it. She, like any mother, was nervous and scared that he had gotten it. The comments under the picture said many different things. Many moms posted that they would be praying for Matt and Cathy as he rode his new "toy". This past Saturday, October 3, would be the last time he rode his new toy. A drunk driver pulled out in front of him and he smashed into the passenger side of her car.

I am heartbroken for his mom. As a mom, I cannot imagine hearing the news like that. How can you go on after your baby dies??? How can you breathe? How can you eat? How can you function? How can you laugh? How can you sleep? How can you think? How can you survive??? It's just not right. No mother should have to bury her child. This news has consumed my mind. I think about it hourly. I wonder how Cathy is feeling. I think about what it must feel like. I wonder if she is laying in his bed, smelling his sheets, folding his clothes, watching old home movies, looking through old pictures..... I pray for her and I have mourned for her. Please pray for her with me.

As for the drunk driver. I have no tolerance for drunk driving. Obviously people do it. I have actually read people's FB status' that have said, "Whoa! How I made it home last night I'll never know." It makes me sick. It makes my blood boil. How selfish! As a mom, I am always fearful that some irresponsible, careless drunk might be on the road, putting my innocent babies at risk. I have begun earnestly praying that the Lord will keep us safe on the roads and help us to avoid all drunk driving. I learned in my Power of a Praying Parent to take all fears (especially specific ones) to the Lord. That is what I intend to do from this day forward!

Ok, whole new topic!

Christmas time is nearing and that means it is time for fun!!!! Since becoming a mom, Christmas has taken on a magical feel. It is sooooo much more fun than when I was a child. Seeing Christmas through Dane and Webb's eyes is the best ever! Which brings me to the topic of Santa. Ugh. I realize this is a touchy subject. Yes, we tell our boys there is a Santa. I see nothing in the world wrong with encouraging make believe. One thing that drives me CRAZY (yes! I used all capital letters because I am yelling CRAZY!!!!) is when parents tell their children there is no such thing as Santa and then allow them to tell other children he isn't real. My thoughts on that are... if you are going to be a stick in the mud ;) PLEASE tell your children to not tell the believing kids. It's the parents job to do that. If Dane ever tells me that so and so says there is no Santa, I'm going to say "That is so sad. If you don't believe in Santa, he doesn't come visit you." and leave it at that. I for one think it is a lot of fun! It adds excitement and magic to an already wonderful time of the year. 

I KNOW and understand that Christmas is not about toys, Santa, or elves. It is about Jesus Christ being born in a manger. We know he came to live on earth and then to die on a cross for the sins of the world. In no way, shape, or form, do we remove the importance of that when we play Santa with our boys.

Our boys will grow up knowing the true reason for the season and enjoying a little innocent child fun at the same time.

I've wanted to buy the book "Elf on a Shelf" since I became a mom. When I was a nanny in college the kids had that book and it was so much fun. Boy did we have fun with that!!! But... I am too cheap to spend $35 on a book and an elf. Last year, I looked here and there for an elf, but Dane was still too young to comprehend Santa and all that went with him. After Santa bringing him what he asked for last year, he is a true believer now. Today at Ace Hardware, I found the perfect elf and he was only $9.99. Whoo hoo!!! This momma was excited! I bought him and after lunch, I told Dane I needed to introduce him to someone.

His whole face lit up as I told him the story. I told him we had to name him. With Daddy's help, we chose Buddy. Dane is so excited to see what Buddy can do. I have a feeling Buddy might get into a lot of trouble this year, but I'm also hopeful he will help motivate GOOD behavior. While Dane was napping today, Buddy managed to get himself here

Wait a minute! What is that tucked into his shirt???

A note! From Buddy to Dane and Webb.

Dear Dane and Webb,

Hello there! Thank you for letting me come stay at your house. I love the name you picked out for me, Buddy. It’s a perfect name and makes me feel so special. One thing you must remember is to not touch me. If you do, my magic powers will be lost and I cannot travel to Santa anymore. When you go to sleep at night, I will travel to the North Pole to talk to Santa and tell him if you were good or bad. Then I will come back while you are still sleeping and find a new place to sit for the day. Each morning when you wake up, you must look for me.  This will be lots of fun! Santa told me you boys like to have fun…. I do too.


But I have my suspicions that Santa will be sending letters from time to time as well. Oh! I cannot wait to see Dane's face when he wakes up. This is going to be such a fun fun fun Christmas :D

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