Saturday, September 10, 2011


Today we celebrated my sweet baby's 1st birthday. I love birthdays because it is a time to celebrate a birth... a life.... a person... and all that has been accomplished in a year. It is a time to reflect and look back with gratitude for all of life's extra blessings because of this person. It's funny how important celebrating becomes once you are a mom. You are so in love with your children and so thankful to God for their life and their health. It only seems natural to have a day set apart to celebrate and thank God for them.

We had Webb's party at the local park and we had a great turn-out. Our family and our closest friends came out for the day. It always means so much to me when people make time for my kids. I know we are all busy and we all have a million things to get done in a day. I guess that is why it means so much to me to have people show up, to know they care and love my babies. We hate that some of our friends and family had to miss it due to sporting events and jobs they had to be at (we completely understand!!!).

I scheduled his party for 10am. I debated over and over what would be the best time. I know for us, sometimes parties in the dead of the afternoon, like 1pm, are hard because that is nap time. It also makes planning anything else for the day hard. I thought maybe the late afternoon but I didn't want to interrupt anyone's dinner plans. I finally decided on 10am and prayed Webb would sleep in-- otherwise, that is his nap time. I hoped the weather wouldn't be too hot and the kids would be happy and ready to play. YAY!! It worked. Webb slept in and the weather was glorious. Most kids had just gotten up right before getting ready for the party, so everyone was in good spirits. I was going to order a cake for Webb, but I decided that spending $80+ on a cake right now wasn't very smart. I opted to make the dessert myself and made a chocolate cake with a DIVINE chocolate icing. Both the cake and the icing called for coffee but I couldn't taste the coffee at all. Very rich and so yummy! I also made a pumpkin cranberry pecan bread with a caramel glaze. It made 2 loaves (one of which we kept at home) and let me just say, it was soooooo delicious!!! The glaze is to die for :D We bought Webb a little individual cake from Food Lion this morning. He loved it, of course. He had no problem tearing into it and he enjoyed a little help from Dane.

My future brother-in-law took pictures of the party therefore, I did not. I will hopefully be receiving the disk soon and will post more pics. This is the only one I have and I stole it from my mother-in-law.

We had tattoos and face painting for the kids and when the party had died down and all the guests had left, Dane decided to paint his great-grandmother's face :D It was quite a treat for him. Gran is such a sport too!

It suits you!

He then painted my mother-in-law's arm and my sister-in-law's leg :D Such a fun time we had!

Thank you to all who came out and helped make Webb's first birthday so special!!!

Yesterday, we had professional pictures taken at the Battlefield. Here is a sneak peak at some of his work. I cannot wait to see them all!

I know he's mine, but I think this looks like an add for GAP Kids or something :D

My sweet baby! What a chunk!!

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