Monday, September 12, 2011


I've been training for my 1st half marathon for a few weeks now. A few people have asked me how I'm training or what I'm doing to prepare myself for the big event. When I first signed up for the race, I myself was CLUELESS about how to prepare for the big event. I was nervous and anxious and a part of me thought I'd never be able to run more than 4 miles without passing out. I asked around to people who had run in one before, my trainer at the gym, and the gals I'm running the half with. They all had great ideas. I then researched some ideas and finally settled on a plan that works for me. I have felt GREAT since I started training and although my left knee is suffering from time to time, my body is thriving on this workout regimen.

So.... here is what I'm doing to train my body (and my mind!).

On Monday's, I go to the gym to my favorite class. It is an hour of strength training which also gets my heart rate up. One thing I really worried about when I started training for this, was losing all the muscle I've worked really hard to get. With such long distances, I knew I'd lose weight if I didn't keep up with the weights. Who are we kidding??? You can't run 15 miles a week and not become a stick! I'm really not looking to lose any weight (tone up a bit more, sure) and I've worked my tush off to build the muscle I have. I'm not a fan of stick figures. When I look at another lady and think, "Man! She looks good!" I am looking at a lady who is slim (IMO) with muscular definition. When she picks something up, you see the muscles in her arm (and not because she doesn't eat. LOL Because she is STRONG!!!!). When she squats down, you see her quad muscles outlined. I'm not a fan of "skinny-fat"-- that's what I call girls who are bone skinny without an ounce of muscle. I want to be slim and strong. I think that is sexy. Plus, I knew that ultimately, I needed my legs to stay strong in order for them to not give out on me when I hit mile 10. Strong legs (and strong arms)= better runner.

On Tuesdays, I was running anywhere between 3.5 miles and 6 miles. I have cut back though since my knee is hurting. I want to baby it as much as possible right now. If I don't run (which I haven't in 2 weeks on a Tuesday), I go to the gym and either do the elliptical, stare stepper, treadmill (for walking), or strictly weights.

Wednesdays, I go to the gym and do a 45 minutes spin class. It's a love/hate relationship. I LOVE burning that many calories and sweating like a pig. This class keeps my legs in great shape and helps me work on my endurance as a runner.

On Thursdays, I either run or power-walk or do nothing :D

On Fridays, I was going to the gym to an "Insanity" class, but... you all know... my KNEE!!!! It truly is an insane class and includes lost of jumping and insane cardio. My knee just couldn't take that along with looooong runs the next day. I gave up my Friday class and instead, hit the gym and do my own thing. Once again, it looks like a Tuesday. I either just do weights or do weights with cardio of some kind.

Saturdays are my looong run day. There was a time I didn't think I could ever run 6 miles. I ran 8 this past week (for the 2nd time) and I told Brent the 1st thought I had when I got back to the van was, "That was easy" and it was. I give credit to my training program. I am getting my heart and my muscles truly in tip-top shape. I feel great on my long run. I will continue to increase the Saturday run until I get to about 12 miles and then I will slowly cut back to prepare my body for the race day. Everyone asks me if I run without stopping. My answer is, yes. Towards the beginning of my training, I stopped in one of my runs for about 30 seconds. I realized when I stopped that I wasn't dying and I only stopped because I wanted to. I knew I could have kept going. From that day on, I have pushed myself and I haven't stopped since. I might feel like stopping from time to time, but I'm never to the point of passing out or not being able to breathe. In my opinion, that is the only time when stopping is necessary. I push myself because I know my body is strong and can go. I am training my body. I want to be the best I can be. I want to get better each day.... and I am. I never thought I could run 8 miles without stopping but I have and I will continue to.

On Sundays, I strictly rest. Although, last night, Brent and I did go to the High School and run sprints. It felt great and once again, I know my body (and mind) needed it.Sprinting with Brent helped me to truly challenge my heart and my muscles. After the 7th sprint, I told Brent, "Dang! I wasn't hurting this bad at mile 7!!" It was a good change.

The goal I have through my training is to cross train. I don't ever want my body to be bored. I want to change up my workout and do different things. I want to push my body as hard as I can because I KNOW what I am capable of. Overall, I think the plan I have for my training is great! I feel great and I am toning up nicely as well :D

I started out with the goal to be able to finish the half marathon. LOL. Now, after a few weeks of training, there is no doubt in my mind that I will be finishing this baby. I've got this. I never knew how much I'd love running looooong distances. My new goal is to finish in under 2 hours 20 minutes. I have confidence in myself and I can't wait to see what my time is :D Hopefully, I will hit my goal!!!

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