Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 10

Day 10- One picture of me.

Hmmmm.... I wondered all week what picture I would post for my final day. Today, there is only one that seems appropriate.

This was me, one year ago today. I think it was around 8am. Webb was born almost 2 hours later.

Ahhhhhh. Yes. Today is my baby's 1st birthday. What a bittersweet day it is for me. I am honored to be able to call him mine. He is a blessing to me and a joy in our family. I decided today would be a good day to travel back to August 31, 2010.

It was a Tuesday and my "busiest" day of the week. I got up at 6am, cooked us all breakfast and packed us all lunch. I woke up Dane and got him dressed and loaded into the car and handed him his breakfast to eat on the road. We left the house at 6:30am, and drove to Cartersville to clean the 2 houses I had on my agenda. The first one took me 2 hours and the second one took me 4 hours. I left Cartersville at 2pm and arrived back in Ringgold around 3:15ish. I came home and unloaded the car, washed clothes, cleaned up the house, and prepped dinner. I got my stuff together and headed out the door at 4pm to take Dane to my parent's house. I had to go to the gym to teach water aerobics. I taught water aerobics from 5:30-6:30pm. After that, I met Brent and Gibson at the local school. They goofed off and I jogged 1 1/2 miles and walked 1/2 mile. My dad was going to give blood at the Fire Department in Ringgold and wanted to take Dane. I was meeting them there and to pick up Dane and head home. I got there, talked to my parents, and Dane and I headed home. We got home around 8:00pm. We ate dinner, had our baths, read a story, and got ready for bed. Little did I know I would not be getting a full nights sleep (for quite awhile).

I woke up at 3am thinking I needed to go pee. But wait, the bed felt wet. Did I pee in the bed? I sat up alert and confused. The bed wasn't very wet, but it was wet. Wait. Could this be my water breaking? I got up and went to the bathroom. The entire way, liquid was running down my leg. I turned on the light and looked, yes. My water was breaking. It was then that I noticed my shaking legs- from nerves and excitement. I sat on the potty and thought. Hmmmm. No pain. Would I be going into labor? Or would we have to play the cautious game and wait a few days? Better yet.... were we getting another boy or a little girl (I hoped all along for another boy!!)? What would this baby look like? What would his or her personality be like? I began to pray for the life inside me. I prayed for a safe and uncomplicated birth. I hurriedly got up and went to tell Brent the news. "Brent! My water just broke!!!" He rolled over, half asleep and disoriented. "What? Are you sure? When? Are you hurting" I giggled, "Yes, I'm sure. Just now. No, no contractions yet." He rolled back over and said, "Go back to sleep. We've got at least 24 more hours." I said, "I don't know how long we've got. I'm calling the midwife and texting our moms" (Side note- I labored with Dane for 32 hours. So that is where Brent got his "information". LOL.).

I called my midwife, Carolyn Drake, who is absolutely amazing!!!! She told me that contractions should start soon and to go back to bed and get as much rest as possible. I went back to bed. I could not sleep for the life of me. I laid there crying, overwhelmed with emotion. I was having another baby. I would be giving birth soon. When???? It would no longer just be Dane. His life was forever changing and he had no idea. I cried with happiness and fear. I couldn't lay there. I went to Dane's room and watched him sleep. So precious. So innocent. My little buddy. Would he get a sister (like he thought) or would he get a brother (like Brent and I so desperately wanted for him)? What would it be like with 2 children? How would Dane adjust? I couldn't stand it any longer. I went to Dane and laid down with him. Wrapping my arms around him and sobbing. I whispered, "I love you so much, Dane. Your baby is coming." Then, I got up and got busy. I wanted my house in order. I washed clothes, cleaned up, and pulled out the frozen food I had made earlier in the month for during the birth (homemade, whole wheat banana bread with dark chocolate chips, and homemade spaghetti-- breakfast and lunch). I got everything organized. I cried the whole time. Around 3:45am, I felt my first pain. It started getting intense around 5am. I called Carolyn back and told her. She said she would start getting ready and to call when they were about 3min apart. At 6am, I called her to let her know. She arrived and shortly after that, Amy- our videographer, my mom and sister, and my mother-in-law showed up. My midwife checked me and the baby and then quietly got busy setting everything up. Brent had already been filling up the birth pool in the living room. I was 5cm and feeling pretty good. My contractions were very intense but I felt great in between them. I knew once I got in the warm water, my labor would slow down, so even though I REALLY wanted in, I wanted to wait as long as possible. At 8am, we went for a walk down our street to help speed things up.

When we came back home, I saw that Dane had woke up. He was very curious about a pool in our living room :D

My dad was scheduled to come pick him up after he woke up so that he wouldn't be in the way or worried about me. I loved on Dane and told him how his baby was coming today. He seemed excited and happily went off with Granddaddy.

I decided then to get in the pool.

My midwife keeping a close eye on the baby.
 My contractions were very intense and I knew it would be a huge relief to get in. I labored for about an hour and then my midwife recommended that I go sit on the potty and labor some more. Opening up my hips would help the baby come down. I did just that, even though I didn't want to. OUCH!! That was the most painful 5 minutes I think. My midwife came to the door and said she wanted to check me before I got back in the pool. She announced I was an 8! Everyone was so excited. Not me. I remember being an 8 with Dane for 8 hours. LOL. I climbed back in the pool. It felt so good. About 15 minutes later, I felt that "feeling". I told Carolyn I needed to go to the bathroom. She wouldn't let me and said she needed to check me again. She then said I was 10cm and ready to push. I remember thinking, "WHAT??? It's too early. I've barely been in labor at all." Everyone was shocked. I got in a comfortable squat position and Brent moved down to help me.

I listened to my midwife and would push when she said to and stop when she said to. I remember her saying, "Reach down and feel your baby's head". I knew I was close then. I found every bit of energy and strength I had and pushed my baby out.

Brent catching the baby
After Brent caught the baby, I heard him say, "It's a boy". I was sooooo happy!!!!  Another sweet baby boy. Our precious Webb Houston Wilkey was here!

Falling in love with my son.

Webb stayed attached to the cord until it was done pulsing. I nursed him immediately.

After 30 minutes or so, I handed Webb to his Daddy.
Our special flower bath.

Dane came back about 45 minutes after the birth. He has loved his brother from that second. I am so blessed to be the mommy to 2 precious boys. God has richly blessed us.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Baby Webb. We love you so much and thank God for your life and your health!

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