Thursday, August 2, 2012

Coops and Smoothies

Yesterday was a "lazy" day meaning I had no where to be, no one coming over, and no seriously pressing things to get done on my to-do list.

The boys and I lounged around for a bit after breakfast and then headed outside for the weekly chore of cleaning out a chicken coop. In case you didn't know it... chickens are MESSY creatures.

This picture doesn't even do justice of just how gross it was(by the way--- the white is oyster shells. Webb decided the night before to dump out 3 FULL feeders I had just filled, one had oyster shells and 2 had pellets.). Dane and Webb helped me, Daddy was still snoozing away. It really isn't as hard of a chore as I am making it out to be. I shovel the floor and then hand pick up all the nasty hay from the boxes (yes, I wear gloves). I clean the coop every week. I am always so proud of the finished product, and then when I got let them out the following morning, there is poop EVERYWHERE again. LOL. But, at least it looks nice for a few hours.

My chickens always get ornery when I clean the coop. They don't lay eggs well that day and they squawk and carry on like no one's business. It must be a very stressful time for them ;-)

Here is our Araucana Chicken, who is nameless. She lays Easter eggs and they have a blue-ish green tint to them.

We played outside for a good bit after that. Dane and I swung on the swing while Webb played for a bit.

While we were outside, around 10:30am, Daddy made his appearance (this unemployment has been exhausting for him. LOL) and the boys, and Hulk, played a little football.

Someone upset him!

I would have gotten a pic of my sexy husband, but he was only in boxers... yes, that is the beauty of living on 5 private acres ;-)

Later in the day, we made smoothies!!! Our favorite. Do you like smoothies? What are your favorite flavors? I am a smoothie freak ;-) I don't know what flavor ours was.

frozen fruit

And of course, a good amount of whole milk and some ice. I don't measure any of this, I just pour and dump and blend and then pour and dump some more.

The result....

So, I realize this may not look yummy, but it was divine!!! Just ask my boys.

We did some other "non important stuff" yesterday then I decided I was making dinner and getting baths early since it was sort of yucky looking outside.

I made our family's favorite-- Teriyaki Chicken and Brown Rice. Yummy goodness right there.

Here is the recipe in case you are interested:

I cooked, the boys argued played, and Brent showered. Then, the boys wanted a picnic in the living room, so Brent and I sat alone and enjoyed our dinner.

I'm not going to lie... it is soooooo delicious!!!! You should definitely try it :-)

Well, I need to get ready and head out to clean. Pray for my husband today, it is his LAST day of school and his LAST final. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!

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