Friday, August 3, 2012

Boo Boo's and Barns

Yesterday was the day for me to clean 2 houses. I got up and left about 7:40am and I was home at  11:30am. I tried to get home before noon because it was Brent's last day of school and he had his final and I knew he needed some last minute studying.

When I got home, the boys and I played outside.

Dane pushing Webb so I could look for eggs.

4 of our chickens scratching around in the hay that I cleaned out of their coop. Remember, Webb spilled their feed in there ;-)

We played on the back porch for a bit too...

Don't you love my rainbow colored socks :-) By the way, this is Dane making a fort!

Brent had his FINAL night of school last night, so we helped him get ready. It was so cute because he usually has to wear his EMT uniform to class. On their final night, the teacher said they could wear whatever they wanted. He wore some shorts and this navy EMT shirt I bought him. When Dane saw him headed towards the door he said, "Daddy! You told me you were going to school!" LOL Brent explained that he didn't have to wear his uniform tonight.

I did get a picture of Brent as he was walking out the door. I'm so proud of him!!!! (PS- He made a 97 on his final!!!!)

Daddy leaving for school is always a family event. We all go outside and see him off. Webb was chanting, "I anna go!!" So cute!

My friend, Amanda, and I are having a yardsale right in the center of town (LaFayette) tomorrow. It's time for the HWY 27 yardsale and she told me she was going to be selling there and to look for stuff to sale. I told her I doubted I had anything, but I would look. WOW. Was I wrong????

Just look at all the junk treasures I found to sell! The boys and I found a few more things to add to the collection after daddy left and then we got the weights ready for my friend Stephanie to come workout with me.

We ended up killing our legs and I am actually sore today (which doesn't happen often!)

Milking time is the boys favorite part of the day. We all hike up the barn together, check on all the animals, give them fresh water, feed them, and milk them (if they require that!).

We check the quail and the turkeys.

We check on our meat chickens- aka-barn chickens.

Poor Hulk. Someone didn't let him in and he was crying.

Here's Dane talking to Betsy. I missed the extent of the convo, but I thought it was so cute!

The boys LOVE to help in the chores at the barn. Dane is feeding the chickens here.

Webb always wants to carry the bucket, that held the food for the quail,  back to the barn for me.

As I was deleting 19900332245 pictures that Dane took of the barn floor, the roof, etc. I came across this picture. Yep... this is me, milking one of the goats :D

This morning, I did not make it to the barn at 6am. Webb nursed all night-- yes, I was in his room for about an hour (11:30pm-12am) and managed to stay awake so I could go back to our bed. Then, he wound up in our bed. Once in there, if I tried to pull it out of his mouth, he would wiggle, grunt, and moan and chant, "I aunt that. I aunt that. MOMMY!!!!! BOO BOO!!!" So, needless to say, he slept with his paci boo boo allllllll night long. That makes for an exhausting night for me. When I did wake up (I overslept by 2 hours), Dane was on one side and Webb was on the other. I got up at 7:30, went to let the chickens out, feed them, check their water, feed Hulk, feed our kitty's (Milo, Dude, and Darla) and then take the clothes out of the washing machine and hang them to dry. I was planning on coming in and drinking my coffee and hitting the barn. 

I no longer dry clothes in the dryer because our electric bill was/is SKY HIGH!!!! Plus, we had the barn electricity turned on a few months ago and EVERY SINGLE month, the bill for the barn is at least $10 higher than the month before. I won't even talk about the water bill for the barn. LOL. Running a farm is expensive. Even a miniature one like we have. So, all our clothes are stiff, but our power bill is reduced to some extent.  This is definitely not the lazy man's way of doing it. Instead of just picking up clothes out of the wash and slinging them into the dryer, you pull out piece by piece and hang them strategically on the clothes hanger. You don't want them overlapping one another, or dragging the floor. There is a certain place for everything. I also now have to plan laundry days out. You cannot fit more than one load on this, so I have to make sure I allot the right amount of time in the day/days of the week to get it all done. I am hoping for another clothes hanger like this one and I will put it on the backporch (screened in), then even on rainy days, I can leave the clothes out. This one needs to be outside, but I left it in for no reason in particular.

Once I got inside, I sat down to blog and drink my coffee. I had no longer woken the computer up than when I hear little feet pitter pattering down the hall. I look up and Webb comes running into my arms saying, "boo boo". 

Milking the cow and nursing your 23 month old is NOT easy. Take it from someone who has done it... on more than one occasion... So, I sat a bit longer than I originally planned. However, he is still not cooperating, so I think I will be texting my neighbor. In about 15 minutes, I need to get ready for a meeting I have in Ringgold. It's for all the parents who will have kids in the Co-op this year. I'm excited/nervous. Then, this afternoon, I have a postnatal doula visit in Chattanooga. Yes, a busy day is in store for us!

I need to get off of here and get myself ready. This blog ended up being super long due to a nursing baby and me being in no hurry :D

Ya'll have a wonderful day!

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