Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A day late on Monday

Good morning!

I know. I know. I'm late on my Monday post. I can explain. Yesterday was a rough day for me. They don't happen very often, but they do happen.

It all started when I woke up late. I hate waking up late (I mean, seriously, WHO doesn't?????). It wasn't just a little late. It was 3 hours late! I had so much to do around the house first thing and I had planned on going to my workout class (that I don't get to go to anymore because of the distance and blah blah blah). After that, i had a lot of errands to run in town. When I woke up, I had a headache, my neck was hurting, and I was still so very tired (WHAT IS MY DEAL???? And no! I'm not pregnant. LOL.). I was a grump. I don't like getting off schedule and I was off by 3 hours. I got us ready as quickly as I could and went on to the gym to do my own workout- biceps and back. Despite missing the group class, I got an awesome workout. I knew I HAD to have an adjustment today (from the chiropractor). That would help me more than anything.

We then headed to Walmart. Dane insisted on the buggy that has the big grey attachment on the front. He and Webb both got in and we started our grocery trip. They were not very good. They hit one another and argued and fussed. Webb wanted to be held (which I cannot do while pushing that awkward and heavy cart). We were out of everything at home and I was trying to keep a running total in my head (which was just making me more ill and stressed because of our tight budget). I was feeling weak, tired, and extremely irritable. I know my blood sugar was probably low, but I had no appetite and the thought of food was nauseating. They saw these Christmas candy Star War toy things (LOL) and both wanted to play with them. They were light up swords with candy inside. I agreed that they could play with them if they would be good. I handed them each one and they played so well for a while. Then, they started hitting one another, hard!, and both were screaming bloody murder (Yep. I'm that mother with those kids.). I squatted down and threatened both with a big smile on my face (these days you gotta be careful people!). They both wanted me to hold them and I was ready to sit down in the floor and cry. We managed to get out of there and I was exhausted and more grumpy than when I woke up 3 hours late. This kind of stuff never gets to me. What is my deal?????

I load up the car and head to Costco. Brent calls and I tell him how I don't feel good. He asks what is wrong. I want to say, "I'm a GRUMP!!!", but instead I say, "I just don't feel like myself and I'm tired." We go into Costco and the boys were better in there. When it was time to leave, I realized they only had 3 lines opened and they were backed up with at least 6 people per line with each person buying at 4,503 things. That is when the boys lost it (and I almost did too). When I left the store, both kids were drawing as much attention to us as possible crying their eyes out and had snot pouring down their faces. I got to the car and Brent called. I searched for my phone and answered it. He told me he had good news. I couldn't hear a word for both boys. I called him back once the car was loaded and we were on the road. Right when I hear his voice I start crying (silently). I don't let him hear though because he is so excited about school. He had great news and I really am happy for him. However, when he asks for a response from me, I burst into tears. He asks what is wrong and I couldn't hardly talk (Heck, WHAT is wrong with me!!!!). I finally get out about how tired I am and how stressed out I am. I tell him what I bad day I've had and how bad the boys have been. I tell him about my shopping experience on such a tight budget and how nervous it made me. I tell him how I still need to go to Ingles, but Webb is now asleep. I tell him how I need to make another stop, but I also need to balance the checkbook before we go in. I tell him how I just realized the time and the chiropractor is closed. Then, I cry harder. He tries to calm me telling me everything will be ok. He says I need to come home and take a nap. A NAP??? Are you crazy????? I've not got time for a nap???? I've got a full car, a dirty house, dinner to cook, kids to take care of, and 20 friends coming over tomorrow. And I cry harder. I let him go when I pull up at Ingles.

I felt better once I let all those tears out. I decide to attempt to carry Webb through Ingles so he can get his nap. It works!!!!

We head home and Brent meets me outside where he gives me a big bear hug. He says, "It's ok. Everything is going to be ok. I love you so much." Ahhhhhh. Just what I needed :D

We unload the car together and come in and start putting everything away. I make a pot of coffee (I realized that in my rush that morning, I didn't drink any--- probably why I have a headache). Daddy and Dane head to down the driveway to put up wreaths. Webb sees out the door and almost passes out he got so upset. So, we follow them down the driveway. It felt so good outside. The wind was blowing and you could tell rain was on it's way. The fresh air did me so good (and my headache was gone. YAY!!! Thank the Lord for caffeine)! When I came in, I started on dinner: lemon pepper tilapia, quinoa, and sauteed mushrooms.

I saw that a Christmas movie was coming on at 8pm and decided to let Dane stay up late.

We cleaned up from dinner, did dishes, I got stuff together for our Purse Swap that is at my house tomorrow, and then I remembered! Santa had sent me an email for Dane. I called him to the computer and let him watch. He is so cute with his precious imagination. He loved it and would answer every question Santa had for him. Want to have Santa send your child an email (trust me, it works wonders!!!)? Go here. Last year, Dane loved his email from Santa, this year, he loved it even more. It has a video where Santa talks to your child by name and also has pictures of your child. Anyways, we had fun with that. I was so emotional, that I cried as I watched Dane's response to the email. LOL. I'm about to drive myself nuts!

Me and the boys had bathtime and I decided to get Webb to sleep. It had been a long day for us all. I tell Brent to make Dane some popcorn (a really special treat in our house) and turn on his Christmas movie. Webb goes right to sleep and I join the boys in the living room. When the movies go off at 9pm, I get Dane ready for bed, and he goes to sleep. Brent tells me he think we need to head to bed too. I look at him weirdly. He says, "I think an early night would do us both good." What a nice way to tell me I'm sleep deprived and grumpy. LOL. I agree with him and decided to leave my blog for this morning. We were in the bed by 9:30pm. Sleep didn't come immediately for me, but I was still able to rest while my mind went a million different directions. I woke up at 5am on time, and more importantly, REFRESHED and ready to go! This is going to be a great day. I already feel so much better!

I think my problem might be that I'm going to start my period back. I still haven't had one since having Webb (just another perk to nursing!). It has been over 2 years since I had one and been over 4 years since I had one every month (thank you Dane and Webb!). I think it is messing with my body. If it is not that, I would blame this on stress. I am not used to stress. It takes a lot to stress me out and I can honestly say, I am stressed out right now. LOL.

Anyways, I need to get off here and start on my preparations for the Purse Swap. I am REALLY looking forward to having all my girlfriends over for our annual swap. We always have the best time when we get together and tonight should be no different! I need to clean, make my dip and the punch, and get all the last details for the 3 games we are playing sorted out. I also need to come up with some ugly PJ's to wear. We have to wear our ugliest ones and the ugliest gets a prize. This should be fun!!!

Have a terrific Tuesday :D

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