Thursday, December 1, 2011

My day on Thursday

This morning, I allowed myself to sleep in. Oh, what a luxury. I usually have no choice but to get up at 5am due to school work, needs of children, gym, errands, jobs, cleaning my own house, etc. That is the only way I can get it all done. Start at 5am and go strong until 10pm. This morning, I slept until around 6:30. It was bliss.

When I got up, my hubby was gone. This was the day he was to turn in his work truck. He had to be in ATL at 8am. It was a weird feeling to know he was no longer employed.

I got up, put on my workout clothes, drank a quit protein shake, gathered all the dirty laundry, and plugged in the baby monitor. Then, I headed down to the basement with a big jug of water. Due to economic hardships (my husband's unemployment), my daily 25 minute trip (one way) to the gym has become a luxury like sleeping in. I have found a wonderful workout regimen though that I'm sure I can complete downstairs. Yes, I would love to be pushed by my trainer and my workout buddies, but I will make due for now. I started working out around 7am and completed my workout in 30 minutes despite my super soreness from the workouts I had the last 2 times. Webb woke up the minute I finished. Success!!!

I came upstairs, met a smiling baby and we headed to the kitchen. I made a cup of coffee, got the fireplace going, and settled in the recliner with the remote--- I sure felt like my husband for a minute. Minus the nursing baby part. I watched GMA while snuggling with Webb in front of the fire. Times like these are just priceless.

Around 8am, Webb could no longer stand it and burst into Dane's room and woke him up. The boys played together for about 30 minutes. I decided I was hungry and began debating about breakfast. I've been eating 2-3 eggs and around 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats (for those of you wondering, I boil the oatmeal, then add raw honey and lots of cinnamon). This morning, I was feeling a bit adventurous. I found whole wheat pancake mix in the pantry and whipped up a batch. I added nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla to the mixture. I put BUTTER (not margarine) on each pancake and slathered it up with Grade B Maple Syrup. This is the best grade of maple syrup you can use. Grade B is less refined than the grade A's thus it holds more of it's nutrients and also has a stronger taste. Most people say it's for cooking but if you like a strong maple taste this is the one.
Neither of my boys wanted any, so this momma ate them all. LOL.

I then cleaned up my breakfast mess, emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it, made Dane's bed, stripped my bed to wash the sheets, and headed down to the basement to switch the clothes and wash my sheets. I also let the animals out and fed them while I was down there.

When I came back up, it was 9:30ish. We (me and both boys) hopped in the shower. When we got out of the shower, I swept all the floors and vacuumed all the rooms. If floors could talk, mine would have been screaming to be cleaned. The boys played while I did this/followed me around fighting over the dust pan and hose to the vacuum.

At 10am, Dane finally decided he was hungry. I made him cheese toast and Webb passed out because I put him down to get the toast out of the oven. I handed Dane his toast and nursed Webb to sleep.

Webb didn't sleep long and Brent and his uncle arrived here a little before 11am. We all headed out doors. The weather was soooo nice and both boys needed to get some energy out. Dane drove Webb around on his John Deer "4-wheeler" and we rode all the way to the mailbox, which is quite a trip. 

Headed towards the road.

At the road and headed back home. You can see the tin roof of the barn and our house.

We came in and it was around 11:45am. I was hungry. Brent offered to make my lunch with his. I made the boys lunch. Eggs and cheese toast for me (2-3 eggs) since I missed out on my eggs for breakfast.

After we ate lunch and cleaned up, I searched through my recipe holder for recipes for upcoming parties. I was making a grocery list for Monday.

I decided to play with the boys a bit in their room. While in there, Dane caught a cricket. He loves bugs. This is my fault really. I didn't want him to be a sissy or scared of bugs. After all, he is a boy (even though his daddy is not fond of bugs. That just adds to my reasons. I need someone who will capture the ones I find!!!). I have always encouraged that he pick up any bug he finds and love them. Well, he does LOVE bugs. No fear whatsoever.

This is the bug on one of Dane's swords. He had just gotten out of one of Dane's matchbox cars.

After playing with the cricket for awhile, I got Webb back to sleep and I headed to the bank and Walmart. Brent stayed to study and let both boys stay with him. I had to pick up my new debit card (my account was hacked like many others in the LaFayette area) and I needed to start Webb a savings account and deposit Dane's piggy bank money into his. I needed to grab a few things at Walmart to cook dinner for a friend tomorrow who just had baby boy #3. I got what I needed from both locations and came home. By the way, I have a dead rat smell in my van. It is very disturbing and NASTY! When I got home, we searched for the dead rat and although we did not find it, we SMELL it. So gross!

Also, when I got back from Walmart, I found out the cricket had gone to Heaven. Dane had pulled off his "leg" (which was on the ground!!!) and "stinger". Poor little fella. Dane told me his mommy and daddy had to get a new cricket now. Whoops.... maybe teaching him to handle all bugs isn't so good. He has now killed a frog, a cock roach, and a cricket.

The boys and I stayed outside and played again. We hung up a new swing that I had had for Webb for Christmas, but I figured, he doesn't really understand this year and I need a swing for him. We also took advantage of our woods and played/explored back there for awhile.

The view from the woods to the property on the side of us. Ours ends at the base of the hill. We couldn't see this until the leaves fell off. I am in love with this view.

We came inside and I was hungry again. It was 4ish so I made another protein shake, this time I made it with vanilla soy milk instead of water, added peanut butter and cinnamon. YUMMY!!!!

Brent left for school around 4:30. He'll be there until 10pm.

After he got gone, I swept again! You could not even tell I had done it that morning. I also folded laundry and put it away.

The boys and I goofed off around the house. I put the clean sheets on our bed. I ate a small bowl of Kashi cereal around 6 and split it with Webb.

Dad came to my house around 7:30 (the way he does on the nights Brent has school) and played with the boys while I got some stuff done. I mopped the floors, painted the trim in 3 rooms (it was already done, but I am OCD and it didn't look too good. It has bugged me for a month!!!), washed more dishes, and picked up the house. He is giving them a bath now as I blog.

When I finish this, it will be bedtime for both boys and one last pick up of the house for me. I need to print off my workout for tomorrow as well as check my school website 1 more time. I also get the coffee ready so that all I have to do at 5am is press a button ;)

Tomorrow, I really need to be up around 5:30 just to allow myself plenty of time to get things done that I want to so I can play with my babies more. Tomorrow night we are going to the Christmas parade in LaFayette.

Hope your day was wonderful!!! Goodnight!

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