Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa, Cake, and White Elephant Gift Exchange

I took the boy's to see Santa yesterday at our bank. It is where I take them each year. The Santa is super real looking and I find myself thinking back to my days of believing. I was so intrigued by Santa. How DID he do that???? There was so much I wanted to talk to him about other than what I wanted for Christmas. But, somehow, I never got that opportunity ;) That was so much fun and I love how Dane (and I'm sure Webb) get to enjoy the magic of believing. Dane was so very excited to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what he wants. He saw this boy doll house at Costco months ago. It is a fireman and policeman 3 story house. It comes with a fire truck, a police motorcycle, a fireman dog, a helicopter, and so much more. He has talked about that and mentioned it numerous times. In fact, I KNOW Santa is bring that ;) I get so excited each time I walk in the basement and see it hidden. I think about his face and joy on Christmas morning and how he will be sooooo thrilled. Yesterday, we went to Costco and I didn't see that doll house. I was so glad I had bought it a month ago to be sure I could get it. While we were there, we looked down the toy aisle some. He gets up on Santa's lap with excitement and says, "I want these rescue lego worker men that I saw at Costco. They have these little saw things and they are really "tool" and that's all I want." WHAT????????!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Santa asks him about it and the whole time I'm thinking, "Oh crap.". When we leave, I ask him about it. He tells me he doesn't want the fireman house anymore, he wants the rescue lego men. I say,  "well I'm sure Santa is very confused. Daddy and mommy already emailed him and told him you want that fireman house. Why don't you?" He said, "I want both". I said, "Well, you can only have one. Santa can't fit 2 big toys on his sleigh for 1 little boy". He thinks about it for a long time and says, "Ummm. I only want the rescue lego men." GREAT. JUST GREAT. I keep trying and he tells me that I need to text Santa and tell him Webb wants the fireman house, not Dane. LOL. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm hoping he changes his mind because I definitely think the fireman house is way cooler and much more practical than the lego men. I guess, if he doesn't change his mind, we will be going back to Costco and switching gifts!

Here are my little angles with Santa.

He was so excited :D

This does make me laugh! Dane only wanted me to take the picture! When he saw the flash of the professional, he put that hand up and said, "NO! Only MOMMY!!!" I had to get on to him for his attitude, but it made me laugh!

Last night, we went to our church's annual White Elephant Gift Exchange party.

I made a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cake from a recipe I found on Pinterest. It was a lot of work, but so worth it. Within that one cake there were 4 recipes. Homemade yellow cake, homemade cookies, homemade cookie dough (with no eggs), and homemade buttercream icing (without any shortening!). Here is what my finished product looked like.

I thought it was really good. Here is the link to follow if you want to make it for yourself :D Which, I highly encourage you DO!

It was soooo much fun!!!! It's played like "Greedy Santa" or "Chinese Christmas" etc.

We got there and took the kids to the childcare part and we headed towards our Family Life Center. We ate incredibly too much delicious food and enjoyed fellowship with our greatest friends/family. You heard it called your "church family" and we truly consider it to be family. We share a special bond with each person there. It was like a huge Christmas party with 60+ family members there (Thankfully, that included 0 family arguments!).

We sat with our closest friends of the group and laughed and laughed and laughed some more. There were some interesting gifts there! To name 2 interesting gifts--- we brought Speedo men's underwear with a Superman sign on them. Then, around the waist they said, "Man of Steel". Then, our friend Nicole brought 2 wine glasses and sparkling cider (a joke was made that this is Baptist wine. LOL). Inside each wine glass held a pair of disgusting underwear with tags. One said, "For Her" and one said, "For Him". The "women's" were see through silky red and the men's looked like a tux sort of- black and white- the back had a ZIPPER. BHAHAHAHAHA. We all laughed FOREVER when this gift was opened and we tried so hard to get our Pastor's wife to steal it. LOL. But, she was too shy ;) BOOOOO!

The Superman underwear was the 2nd gift to be opened and we all had a good laugh. It remained with the man who opened it for about 55 people. Then, MY DAD stole them!!!!!! WHAT????? That was one mental picture I didn't need to have. LOL. Brent was #60 and got up and walked across the gym to my dad and STOLE the Superman underwear from him. On his walk back, he pulled them up over his pants and strutted back. So, we wound up with Superman underwear and I got a $15 Walmart giftcard. Score! With so many gag gifts, I left with a good one :D

Here is the underwear....

Sexy, huh??!!

It was a fun night and we stayed looooooong after it was over talking to our friends.

Looking forward to today :D We have NO obligations except things around the house. I need to make laundry detergent and do laundry and clean up a bit. Fun.

Enjoy your Saturday and chose to make today great!

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