Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Late night post :D The boys and I were having too much fun tonight. They were both in great moods and being so silly. All day today they have played great together. I must admit, that is a first for them. Brent and I enjoyed watching them interact and "talk". I love my boys!!!!

Today was a lazy/busy day.

We slept in and then I woke up to the silliness of a little 15 month old doll baby. He was being so cute. How could anyone wake up in a bad mood???! We got up and made our way to the living room. I started the coffee, pulled out the deer meat from the freezer to be thawing for dinner, and just hung out. Watched a little news, did my late blog, caught up on FB from during the night ;) It was a great morning. Brent had to get off to the unemployment office and the school for some paperwork. We had breakfast before he left (eggs and jelly toast) and then the boys and I started the 1st of 4 loads of laundry.

I got Webb down for a nap and Dane and I headed to the basement for my workout (legs and calves). It was a pretty decent workout other than the fact I kept getting interrupted. Webb woke up before I finished it (thanks to the tantrum from my 3 yr. old) and joined us in the basement.

When we came up, I let Dane finish painting our homemade ornaments. He insisted on painting the backside too and we had been waiting for the front to dry.

Here is the back (or front) of our finished product :D Cute, huh?

I made lunch after that and Brent made it back home. We got the kitchen cleaned up and I folded/switched the laundry around. Brent was studying during this time. His final is tomorrow.

I got Webb back down for a nap and headed to Walmart in LaFayette to meet someone who was buying the pillows that came with my couch. I HATED them and decided to sell them to make some extra $$. I deposited it and headed back home. 

Once home, I started on dinner-- hamburger patties in the oven wrapped in tinfoil and loaded with carrots, unions, and potatoes. My mom made these growing up and they were a favorite then and remain a favorite now. I season them a bit different than her, but they are divine!!!! Salt, pepper, garlic, Worcestershire sauce on the patties, then once I put the veggies and potatoes, I pour A1 on top. They take an hour to bake at 425. So delicious. My mouth is watering just thinking about them. Webb ate an entire patty!!! He is my meat lover :D

After dinner, I had Brent and Josh load up the chairs that belong to the church (I borrowed some for the Purse Swap). I got together the things that girl's had left at the house and we loaded up and left for church .I had to be there an hour earlier than normal for a class I am taking there- Financial Peace University. GREAT class. Brent and Josh were working out, but Brent was staying home to study, in silence, for his final. I was met at the church by Sheena (my WONDERFUL friend!!!). She and I were the only ones and it ended up being a great time of fellowship for the 2 of us. I had so much on my mind, church wise, family wise, life wise and it was so nice to be able to open up to her and have her understanding ear to listen :D

We stayed for a bit after church and then came home.

Once home, I had the munchies and had some Kashi cereal (a 9pm snack is SO not on my 12 week plan!) and the boys were being so silly, so I just sat back and watched them. They are so amazing and make me feel such joy!!! They had some cereal as well and then we started the bedtime battle :D Dane is now asleep and Webb is nursing and hopefully soon to follow :D

I have a super busy cleaning day tomorrow. I will be leaving here at 8 and cleaning 3 houses. I hope to be home by 3:30 or 4pm. I will be exhausted, but it is good money and I am so thankful for the ability to clean houses and the families I get to clean for!!!! God is good :D

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