Monday, December 19, 2011


I have been wanting to blog for almost a week now. It just seems like there is always something screaming for my attention and keeping me from being able to sit at the computer and form thoughts.

I actually have the time tonight (both boys were in bed and asleep by 8:00pm), but I am running on 4 hours of sleep and I have been up and working since 5:45am. This post should be interesting. Hopefully it will make sense.

I didn't get in the bed until midnight last night. I was up late working on my resume (YES! I applied for my very 1st job this morning) and then Webb was restless and fussy from that point until 3am when he started screaming. I moved to the recliner to sit/sleep with him. He was congested and uncomfortable. Nursing babies find comfort in nursing (it's like a binky). When something is wrong with their world they turn to the boo boo (the name we have for the boob!) to make everything better. If they are hurt, sad, uncomfortable, sick, sleepy (in the case of my boys: bored, happy, glad, thirsty, wanting to day dream, wanting me to hold them, or anything else under the sun) they want the boo boos to make their world right again. As a mom, I love being able to make everything all better for my little ones with such an easy solution. There are rare occasions that I don't like it. Nights like last night are an example. Between midnight and 3am, there was not one minute (I repeat, ONE MINUTE) when the boo boo was not in Webb's mouth. At 3am, he became so congested, that he could not breathe out of his nose and continue nursing. That is when he started screaming. He wanted mommy to make it right and I wasn't making it right in the way he wanted. That is when I woke up enough to know what I had to do. I moved to the recliner so he could sleep sitting up (which allows him to breathe). He ended up throwing up (SNOT) all over me at that time. We both changed clothes and then I dozed/sang/talked/babied Webb until 5:45am. I honestly did not mind the time in the recliner with him. It was not his fault he didn't feel good. I tried as best as I could to keep him comfortable and make him feel safe. When I put him in the bed at 5:45, he was peacefully sleeping :D

I, on the other hand, had TONS to do. I emptied the dishwasher, washed clothes, folded clothes, made my breakfast and lunch, got stuff ready for Daddy and the boys to be together for the day. I left at 8:15am and headed to where I was applying for a job (up on Gunbarrell Road in Chattanooga) and then I headed to Adairsville to deep clean a new house I got. It was a long day.

I really enjoyed coming home to my boys. I love how excited they both get to see me! I do NOT know how moms who work full time do it :( I mean, seriously. My heart is here with my boys. I am working right now (only 2 days a week and not many hours at all) to meet a need we have. Dane and Webb get to stay with Daddy though and that really helps put my mind at ease. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be able to make money working so few hours. God has been so good to provide for us. I am continually amazed at how He chooses to provide.

I realized this evening JUST HOW CLOSE Christmas is! It is THIS WEEK!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!! I still feel the same excitement I felt as a kid. I am so excited to see the boys and what they think about their toys. I am also excited to see what the family thinks about their gifts. I really put a lot of thought into things this year and I am pleased with what I got! I love giving gifts. I think giving gifts and seeing people open them makes me feel as good (if not BETTER) as I feel opening up gifts that are mine. Now is the crunch time to get last minute plans into order. We are going to Cartersville on the 23rd to spend the night and then celebrate on the 24th. We eat a huge breakfast and Brent has asked me to make Gingerbread mini donuts inspired by Pinterest. His mom makes all sorts of delicious breakfast food so, I will add this to what she is making... .I guess ;)  When we come home on Christmas Eve, we will make Santa cookies (I already have the dough prepared) and add m&m's to the tops because Dane is insisting that Santa get m&m cookies and chocolate milk. Somehow, I doubt that Santa Clause will mind. All I'm saying is he better share with Mrs. Clause. That night, I will stick all the ingredients in the crock pot for a breakfast crockpot dish, also inspired by Pinterest. On Christmas morning, after we open gifts, I will make my way to the kitchen to finish breakfast. Brent has requested made from scratch cinnamon rolls and since I generally give him his way, I'm sure I will be making these. I personally want some cinnamon sugar crusted coffee cake muffins (HELLO!!?!?!??! Yes, please!!). I maaaaaay make both ;) Mom and Dad will head over and enjoy the breakfast with us and also have lunch. We are going totally UNtraditional for that and having T-bone steaks, crowder peas, salad (I think we agreed on salad) and Snickerdoodle cake with brown sugar cinnamon buttercream cake for dessert. I think we may bust from all the food, but it will be so yummy and worth every single calorie!

I am pretty sure I have everything I need for all the meals. I am super duper excited about Christmas. What is everyone else eating??? I'd love to know!

Have a great evening and if I'm not on here for another week, Merry CHRISTmas!!!

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