Sunday, December 4, 2011


This post will be short and sweet. I am in the middle of a movie with my hubby and remembered I haven't posted yet. We are watching, A Time To Kill and it is really good. The commercials are longer than the actual movie though. Bummer. It came on at 8pm and is on until 11:21. WHAT??? Late night for  us.

This morning, we got up and thankfully, I felt better. VERY weak, but better. We had breakfast, did laundry, got our church stuff together and went to church.

We are so fortunate to go to an amazing church. We go to Liberty Baptist Church in Chickamauga GA. The pastor and his wife are so loving and kind as well as all of their family. We have felt welcomed there since we both started coming. The entire church is so friendly and genuine. We have so many friends within the church too. It's sort of crazy. I have never had a close knit group of friends like I have now. I come from a close church and I was tight with my friends that I had there. This is different somehow. I am older and married. My husband and I have close friends. Our friends have children who are best friends with our kids. We have the greatest friends ever in the church. We know we can count on them for anything and we feel so blessed that the Lord led us to Liberty. I cannot imagine going anywhere else.

After church, my mom and dad asked to take the boys home. I wasn't expecting that, but I agreed. Brent and I wondered what to do with no kids??? We ended up going to a Chinese restaurant in LaFayette. Our church was putting on the annual community Christmas Concert featuring the Ball Brothers. It started at 3pm and we knew to go home and fix something for lunch would be a pain. After that, we went into the Dollar Tree and Hibbett Sports. We were going to go to Fort O before the concert but we realized we didn't have enough time. So, instead, we went to Ace. It was on my list of things to do tomorrow and I knew it would be a huge help to go ahead and cross that off and not have to take both boys in there by myself. I bought a 5-gallon bucket and Nels Naptha Soap for homemade laundry soap. It was then time to head to the church for the concert.

(Yes, I know I said this would be short and sweet, but my hubby just said he was tired of watching the movie and he would rather play his PlayStation 3. Now, I have all the time in the world.)

The concert was great!! I enjoyed the music as well as the fellowship.

We came home and ate dinner and got the house picked up a bit. The house looks like a tornado went through it on Sundays. It's always a mad dash to get ready even though we know what time church starts each week. Sunday mornings are crazy at our house!

My parents came over after the concert. Mom was making me a new bow for my tree since mine that was packed away in storage was beyond repair! So nice!! Thank you, MOM!!!! Even Brent noticed how much better the tree looked with a new bow. She also helped me figure out a few details for the purse swap I have at my house this week.

They left and we got everything cleaned up. I went ahead and made lunches for me and the boys for tomorrow. I am going to the gym in the am, Walmart, Costco, Ingles, the Chiropractor, the bank, and possibly getting an oil change. It will be a long day, but I have so much that I need from town!

We got the boys ready for bed. Dane insisted on wearing his "work-out" outift to bed-- shorts, a cutoff Spider man T-shirt, workout gloves, and his running shoes. Yes, he is asleep now with all of that on :D

Webb was wound up again (Thanks mom and dad for the ice cream you gave him. LOL) and would not settle down. He was cracking us up. He finally went to sleep.

Since my hubby has the TV all to himself now, I'm going to pack my bag for the gym.... I will have to shower there and then I shall call it a night.

One last thing. I found this Friday morning and I loved it! Thought I would share it with you. It is 101 Ways To Tell Your Husband, "I Love You". I know so many times I am a grouch towards Brent and I nag him and make our home not so enjoyable or relaxing for him. This was a great reminder of my role as his wife. Our home should be a safe haven for him. He should feel loved and safe here always. I have failed more than I care to admit. As we enter this new year, I will be attempting to show Brent how much I love him and appreciate him daily. I want him to feel like he has the best wife in the whole world. I know I sure have the best husband! Hope you enjoy this link as well :D


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