Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 19 and Dane

 Day 19 is the day for me to say where I would live if I could live anywhere and why. 

I mean, I have never been here, but I have seen plenty of pictures. I would live in Hawaii. Brent and I are planning to take a nice anniversary trip there one year... maybe 5 or 7 or 10. We shall see where we are with our children and financially!! I would love to live somewhere tropical and the views there are breathtaking. I would also prefer to live right on the beach with a sliding door in my bedroom that was facing the beach. I would go to sleep every night with it opened listening to the sounds of the waves and the wind. Ahhhh. Take me there now!

So, I have been asking prayer for Dane. It is such a long story, but I guess I must tell it at some point and time.

It all started back in late July/early August. 

Dane would complain when we picked him up that we had hurt his "owie" (we don't call them "boo boos" for obvious reasons--- that is what our nursing babies call my breasts!). The first time he said that, I questioned him about what he was talking about? He pointed to his armpit. I apologized and kept on. He continued to complain about his "owie" from time to time. One time, I even looked under there and saw nothing. I just assumed he had pulled a muscle or fallen funny. I didn't really know and I wasn't very concerned. I am not the type of mom who freaks out or worrys.

Well, he complained so often, that we all knew about his "owie" spot. We did forget about it, but he would be quick to cry out in pain if we hit it. Still... no big deal in my mind.

3-4 weeks after he first complained to me, my parents were keeping the boys while I was helping my friend paint. When I got home, mom told me that Dane had a knot in that place under his arm he always complained about. I was instantly concerned. She said he and my dad had been playing that night and Dane burst into tears from pain. That is when they saw it. I called Dane into the living room and pulled up his shirt to see this.

For a mom who doesn't freak out or worry, I felt my heart drop. I think we all know what we associate a lump with. 


I took pictures and instantly called Brent. I was  very afraid. I knew he had been complaining of this area for 3-4 weeks. This was a Friday night and I was spending the night in Ringgold. The next morning, it looked the same. On Monday, I called a local pediatrician in town. They said it could take up to 48 hours to change the PCP with the insurance company and with what was going on, they thought I should take Dane to a children's walk-in clinic in Kennesaw that day. 

So, I went when they opened up. I had such a great experience. They were so kind and helpful and made Dane feel so safe. They did blood work and we waited there for the results. They came back quickly. His WBC was 9,000 (normal) and there was no infection in his blood stream. His eyes, throat, ears, etc looked good and not infected or inflamed. His liver and spleen were not enlarged or swollen. No other lymph nodes were swollen and no recent sickness/fever/nausea/etc. The Dr. was a bit perplexed. He wrote us a prescription for an antibiotic. He said Dane would need to take that for 10 days and then follow up with his pediatrician a week from then. He said it should clear up nicely and if it did not, we would do an ultrasound.

You know me. I DO NOT do antibiotics unless I think they are absolutely necessary. I felt like this was a time and place that was absolutely necessary for Dane to take the meds. We had to get to the bottom of this. Once I knew what we were dealing with, I planned to begin treating is holistically, but until then, I was clueless. Dane has never, ever been on a medicine or antibiotic. It was not an easy decision, yet it was. I made plans to follow up with the same walk-in clinic the next Monday and in the mean time, if it grew or changed at all (diameter, color, etc) we were to take him right to ER.

During that week, Dane took the meds with no problem. The knot NEVER changed except on Saturday. It got bigger and almost blue/purple in color. It was Saturday, so I knew we would be going back on Monday. I didn't worry too much.

 Monday, we were covered in prayer. We get there and the doctor is perplexed again. He said he expected the meds to work. 

He called a surgeon at Scottish Rite to get some guidance. Between the two of them, he then decided to write us another prescription and Dane would take this for 10 days. It would be nasty tasting and he would need to take it 3x a day for 10 days.  It would also really upset his stomach. If in the meantime, it was too hard on his stomach, then I would take him to Scottish Rite ER for ultrasounds. If by day 3 or 4 the lump was the same, we would go to Scottish Rite ER for ultrasound. If he could stomach it.... and IF it did work, he would take meds for all 10 days.

This momma was not happy. I don't like my child being used as a guinea pig. This might work... this might not... we will see... we don't know.... Hmmmm... let's try this... then try this.... NOPE!!!!

 I politely asked them how they felt about us forgoing the new antibiotic all together and us just going on to Scottish Rite for ultrasounds. I explained my reasoning and the kind nurse (mother herself) said she completely understood my reasoning and said that would work just fine.

I don't have a problem giving antibiotics when they are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY... but to just give them to see if they might work... I have a huge problem with that. Why not find out what is causing this? What is the problem? The root of this lump??? 

We went to Scottish Rite and we were there for 3 long hours. I was alone, of course. They prepped Dane for an IV. When I asked why the nurse kindly said, "Mam, we are preparing him for an IV. The doctor seems to think he will need one." I was scared. Need an IV?!?!?! Why??? What is going on? Where is my husband? I wanted details!

When we get to the room, this VERY rude ER doctor comes in. He acts as though he has way more important things to be dealing with than a scared mom and a little boy who's underarm has been hurting for over a month. 

He harshly tells me I did not see a real doctor when I took Dane to the walk-in clinic He glares at me with a smirk and says, "My first recommendation would be to actually find your son a DOCTOR." 

Wow. You mean someone like YOU? No. I'd rather NOT. 

He asks what meds he had been on. Of course, I  don't know bc I wasn't planning on driving to the ER on this day. He rudely states, "Mam. It is crucial that I know what meds he was on." He asks for color, dosage given, etc. and then decides he knows what Dane was taking. He then tells me that that would NEVER work for what we are dealing with and rolls his eyes with disgust. He tells me Dane's entire body is full of infection (interesting since the blood work showed no infection and all he is doing is standing in the room looking annoyingly at us) and that he will write a prescription that will actually WORK. 

I ask him what is wrong with Dane and he says, "Inflamed lymph nodes". 

Oh wow. You came to that conclusion by walking in the door and glancing at him?

I was MAD. I said, "So, the clinic sent us here for an ultrasound? Are we not going to have one?" He laughed a little and said, "There is no reason for an ultrasound. Dane can take this medicine for 10 days (same meds the walk-in clinic wanted him to take) and then if that doesn't work, we might or might not do an ultrasound. I said, "Is there any other option?" He said, "No." I said, "Will this work?" He said, "I can't tell you yes or no. All we can do is try. Any more questions?" I smiled and said, "No."

He left the room and I made up my mind right there. Nope. I wasn't giving Dane any more trial medicines. I prayed the whole way there as did MANY other people (numerous friends and family were praying and had him added to churches prayer chains). I truly believe if it was something horrific, the Lord would have allowed us to find out right then and deal with it. After all, we were at Scottish Rite. The most amazing hospital for children. A place with real doctors. 

We left and the whole way home I prayed. I had researched honey water awhile back. When you mix honey with about a half a cup of water, a chemical reaction takes place resulting in the creation of hydrogen peroxide. Them most powerful natural antibiotic. It doesn't matter what website you are reading about honey water on, they all tell you the same thing. I find it very interesting. 

I had also just researched honey a few weeks previously and discovered that honey that is not translucent (has pieces of the comb, pollen, and other things) it is the most healthy and provides the best benefits. I had some at home. I also had some raw apple cider vinegar with the mother inside. I know that helps fight inflammation and infection. 

Time to make up some hokey medicine, as my husband calls it.

The way I saw it, my meds might or might not work. Same as the antibiotics. At least mine are safe and side-effect free. It will hurt nothing even if it doesn't help. I am not filling his body up with CRAP!

I came home and threw out the old prescription.

I started giving Dane that mixture twice a day (half a cup of water, 1 Tbsp honey, 1/2 teas apple cider vinegar). We continued to cover him in prayer. I had also heard of this witch doctor chiropractor in Calhoun. He sounded amazing. I called and made him an appointment. There were no openings until the following Monday. I took it and continued what I said above. Praying more so than ever before. 

The lump was down in size in 2 days.  The first time it had gotten smaller since it appeared.

Today, we went to the chiropractor. I had heard the wait could take up to an hour. We waited, and waited. I filled out the most detailed info sheet on Dane. The boys were not patient or obedient. It was a small waiting room and packed full. I wanted to leave more than one time.

Finally, we got called back.  The Dr. was reviewing his sheets. He turned around and came to Dane and asked me about him to sort of clarify what he had read. Then, he feels Dane' neck. He looks at his lump. He looks at the other arm pit. He looks at him. About a minute had passed since we waked in the room. He turns to me and says, "Your son has a parasite." I was shocked. "Really???" I asked. He said, "Yes, look at the whites of his eyes. See those dark spots? Those are parasites." I look and yes, I see about 4 on the white of his eye down at the bottom. He says, "All of his lymph nodes are really swollen." I am shocked again. All the MD's said his lymph nodes were not swollen at all except for this one lump. He tells me to feel. Yes. They are. Why hadn't I felt on my own before?  Why had I taken the doctors at their word? Down his neck is tons of ridges and bumps and lumps. You can even look and see his swollen neck. He asks if Dane's throat has been hurting? Yes. He has complained of that. He said that many times parasites are misdiagnosed as strep. He said kids get antibiotic after antibiotic to treat strep and it never gets better because they are treating the wrong thing. He says parasites in kids are becoming more and more common and now they are saying kids need to be treated once a year just to be safe. Kids are getting them because kids just aren't clean. They play in dirt and all sorts of nastiness and put their fingers in their mouth. Heck, it's a wonder my kids haven't had a parasite before now. I am the furthest thing from a germophobe there is. He said we caught this parasite in time. A boy had just been hospitalized for the same thing because his throat was swelling up so much he could barely breath. He continued to be misdiagnosed until the finally got it right. Dr. Ledford said, "The parasites are in there, clearly wanting out. What is good, I can fix it." He asked if he had a rash on his groin. Come to think of it, on his bottom (on either side of his crack) he has had this rash for probably 4 months or longer. I, once again, wrote it off as nothing thinking it was probably a heat rash. I tell him and he says, "That is yeast. This parasite wants out. It is trying to come out and can't. Now it is trying to come out of his lymph nodes. It will keep trying and making him sicker and sicker until it finally gets out. You came to me in time. I will drain his lymph nodes and fully adjust him. He will be lethargic and feverish the rest of the day. Then, I want you to go to the herb shop down the road and get Black Walnut for this parasites and a probiotic. I want to see you back on Wednesday. In the meantime, if he starts acting or looking crazy, call me ASAP." 

  WHAT??? You can tell me all of that that quickly, yet these MD's were clueless? Perplexed even.

What is amazing about all of this... Our cow, Betsy had a bad parasite. We had to quit milking her for a long time because of it. The boys were all in her water and feed. I KNOW that is where he caught it. He has had this thing for close to 4 months... if not longer.

He adjusted him and commented on how strong Dane is. Physically. He said that is great because the parasites haven't been able to fully attack him yet. He said he is so overall healthy, the Black Walnut should work super quick. He said in 10 days I should notice a significant change, but more than likely, before that because of his health.

I left feeling soooooooo good. Once again, I went with my instinct and it was right. I love the way God gifts mom's with this super power, unknown to anyone other than a mom herself. Mom's just know sometimes.

I am so happy. He took the meds with no problem.

I am so thankful God led me there and that we now have this amazing chiropractor to go to.

THANK you for the prayers. Now you know why I was asking for them. 

I will keep you updated!

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for

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