Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 7

Good morning! Dontcha just hate those mornings that you wake up late? I do! I was supposed to be up at 5am. My alarm went off, I was "awake" but Webb needed to nurse. I guess I turned off the alarm. Next thing I know, I was waking up and looking at my phone that said, 6:30am. Oh well, life will go on.

Yesterday, was Sunday and at church we had something ironic taught. In the am sermon, our preacher preached on Isaiah 6:1-8 about how Isaiah came to experience revival in his life. It was a powerful message, one I needed to hear. He said that in order for a church, a family, a nation to experience revival, an individual must first have revival in their own heart and life. Among many things I learned from the message, I realized I have some "kings" in my life that need to die in order for me to experience revival in my own heart and life. "Kings" such as jealously, pride, bitterness, etc. I know I need to see myself the way God sees me. I have such a tendency to point out everyone else's sin (it's just so easy to see rather than my own) and not notice my own or acknowledge my own. But we learned how we must see ourselves, examine ourselves, and see ourselves for who we are. I'm telling you, it was a great message. That night, we had a traveling preacher stop in, Brother Luke Bishop. He is great and really holds your attention with humorous stories along the way. He asked us to open up our Bible's and turn to Isaiah. I immediately remembered what we had learned that am. Then he said, "Turn with me to Isaiah 6:1-8". He then preached a message on how the Lord is looking for someone to "go", someone to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Apparently, the Lord wanted me to hear and understand Isaiah 6:1-8. I am planning on reviewing through it this week as well. I find it so ironic that on the same Sunday, 2 different preachers preached somewhat different but overall, the same message from the same scripture. Cool if you ask me!

Day 7- Four Books

1) I love every single book by Karen Kingsbury. My favorite would be her Redemption Series. It may have 20 books or more. You will find yourself laughing, crying, and relating to each character in the book. God used those books to show me that everyone makes mistakes and he is waiting with open arms to forgive and welcome the sinner back.

2) The Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson. Right now, this is my "right hand man". Dane is strong-willed and Webb is so much more strong-willed. This book is written by a Christian doctor and is soooooo wonderful when it comes to understanding our children, their behavior, their motivation behind their behavior and what God expects from me as a parent. It is such a useful tool and I highly recommend it to any parent out there struggling with a strong-willed child.

3) The Power of a Praying Wife and The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartin. Both of these books are PHENOMENAL!!! The books are so easy to use as a devotional or along with your daily devotional. The chapters are small and very easy to read. There are so many topics for prayer that I would have never thought my husband and kids needed prayer about. I would highly highly recommend these books to anyone!! One thing I can say is, I talked about my fears on day 2 I think. I admitted my fears of something bad happening to one of my children. One thing I learned from these books is the minute I have a fear about my children or my husband, immediately take that exact fear and pray about it to the Lord. Ask Him to protect your children (or husband) from ever experiencing that exact thing and beg Him to put a hedge of protection around your family. Love these books and I cannot say enough good things about them!

4) Ten Keys that Cure-Bible Truths for Better Health Today by Dr. Don VerHulst M.D. This is an amazing health book. It talks about the food that God intended for us to eat and the exercise God intended for us to get. It reminds us how being healthy, eating whole natural food, and not starving ourselves, or over-eating is God's plan for us. Great and easy to read book!!!

Tomorrow is 3 films!! :D

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