Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm Taking the Challenge

Last night, Dane and I enjoyed some time to ourselves after supper. Mom and dad let Webb stay inside with them (Brent wasn't home) and we went outside for some quality time. Please excuse my nastiness.... I hadn't showered from working out. Yuck!

Dane would pick up dirt and throw it and exclaim, "I'm throwing fire mom" (because of the dust it would make).

He then noticed Hank relaxing without a care in the world....

So, he decided it would be fun to "throw fire on Hank".

Yeah, Hank wasn't too thrilled :D  Then we watched the birds. It's one of Dane's favorite things. We lay on the driveway and look up at the sky and look for birds.

We then headed on a walk... just the 2 of us. Dane said, "I want to hold your hand, mom."

Awwww.... Have I told you lately how much I love this boy??!! Time when it is just me and him are few and far between. I try to cherish each and every second I have with him. He is growing up too fast!

Anyways, there are a couple of "blog challenges" going on right now. One is a 10 day challenge where everyday I answer 10 questions about myself you are all probably dying to know! Another is a week challenge where for a week, I write what happens in our house each day. I've enjoyed reading my fellow blogger's doing these challenges and so I thought, what the heck... Maybe this will help me blog more regularly. I am going to start with the 10 day challenge just because I think it will be more difficult and I'm all about finishing the hard stuff first.

10 Secrets:

1) I eat a very healthy diet on a regular basis. One thing I have NO will power on though is CHOCOLATE!!!! Yummy!!!! I seriously eat chocolate every single day. I cannot go without it. And I feel guilty when people talk about how "healthy" I am because I know my deep dark secret.

2) I suffer from sibling jealously. "WHAT is that", you may ask. I do not have close relationships with my brother or my sister. They however, have are very close and live together out in Texas. When I hear about siblings hanging out or see how close other siblings are, I get jealous. Growing up (I'm the middle child), my brother and I were like most brothers and sisters who are 4 years apart. We got along but didn't "play" together. I loved my brother sooooo much. I wanted to please him and I wanted him to love me as much as I loved him. I really don't think that ever happened. LOL. My sister and I are 21 months apart though and she was my built in best friend. Friends would move away or maybe we would grow distant, but my sister was ALWAYS there. We played everyday. We played all day. I miss her. I miss those days of no worries and playing from sun up till sun down. But most of all, I miss my brother and sister.

3) I would rather be busy than not. I find that I always accomplish more when my schedule is full. I don't know how or why, but it's true. They busier I am, the more productive I am.

4) I am not artsy or creative at all. I so wish I was too! My grandmother is so creative and can paint and do amazing things. I did not inherit that from her though. Errrrr.... It is so frustrating :D

5) One thing I've always wanted to change about myself is my eye color. I'd love to have bright blue eyes.

6) I can't stand to be in a bad mood. Sure it happens... who hasn't experienced a bad mood? But it's so annoying to be in a funk. I think I drive myself more crazy than I drive other people when I'm having a day. I will try my hardest to get out of my mood first thing in the morning. One way is by looking for the good, even when it's hard. It's so easy to notice the bad or negative sometimes but I always try to look for the positive. Nothing drives me more crazy than negativism (I hope I didn't just make that word up). And more than that is when people try to rub there negativism off on others. Come on people! Chose to be happy and to have a good day and if not, then don't rain on my parade. 

7) I am always worried about upsetting someone. I don't like to hurt people's feelings and often, that keeps me from standing up for myself. It's one of the things I dislike about myself the most. Even though I know I shouldn't let someone treat me a certain way, I'm probably not going to do anything about it.

8) I'm OCD. Disorganization makes me crazy. I feel a bad mood coming on when things are cluttered or not in the right place. It's so bad, even the clothes in my closet are arranged by colors.... of the rainbow. Dang, that's embarrassing.

9) I'm a prankster by nature. I love to catch people by surprise. My hubby is the complete opposite. He hates jokes, surprises, and pranks (especially when they're on him!!!). Even though I know he will get livid just a little mad, sometimes I just can't help myself and I have to do something-- Like pour ice cold water over the shower while he is in there. His short-lived anger is worth the amusement it brings me. Hey, my daddy warned him, "Life with Abby will be many things and 'boring' is not one of them".

10) At night, I get REALLY silly. I can't tell you how many times I've laid in bed and thought of something and started giggling. I try to be quiet and that makes the bed shake which makes me laugh harder because I know Brent is about to get mad. The more I tell myself to stop, the funnier it seems. Then I start crying and snorting. Even though Brent is frustrated, he usually can't help but ask, "What?????" I'm always embarrassed to say what it is because it's usually so dumb, I can't believe I'm laughing so hard. That will make me laugh even harder which frustrates him even more. It's just a vicious cycle. It actually happened last night!

So, there you go. My 10 secrets you all wondered about. Tomorrow, I will post 9 things I love :D That should be easy!!!

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